DarthSpectra & your personality #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] How the tables have turned

Friends Of Female Incels Explain What Their Femcel Friends Don't Get - AskViewers

Although to be honest I wonder how many are actually true

How is this involuntary celibate if she has guys wanting to buy her drinks for sex?

Most people are idiots who have no idea what being an incel or femcel in this case is

Fem"cels" = volcel

Word. Even the ones in this video who are actually virgins are fat and disgusting (all which is in their power, the weight and personality)

Why are you giving credence to the lie of "femcels" existing?

They're more like entitled females who refuse to settle for their looksmatches, and don't like being pumped and dumped by nonchads.

>queue 0:38, not even A MINUTE into the video "she had two boyfriends" this has to be a sick joke the female race is pulling on us Incels right? :feelskek::feelskek: btw stopped watching the video after this

Some of them are legit. Like, virgin foods in their 20s. However, all of them have absolutely disgusting attitudes, feminist mindset and are both ugly and fat. Not even the biggest volcel of all is more volcel than these fEmCeLs

(your personality)

I don't like these Reddit threads. They reek of "See? We're not biased against men, we made a thread about women!" I've seen Subredditstats. The numbers don't lie.

Agreed. Just like when feminists talk about how men have issues and then launch into talking about toxic masculinity and how men need to feel more comfortable crying and wearing dresses like r/menslib does. It's fake, condescending concern trolling and pretty much it would be better if they just STFU.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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