@shakerofsalts , @Bertie007 & @GeekGurl2000 #transphobia gettr.com

Trans, nonbinaries, and what-have-yous never did and never will know whether or not if they were born in the "wrong" body. It implies that they have experienced both bodies and found out that one felt more "right" than the other. This is not the case.
They were born in the right body. They just feel wrong.

It's their minds that are wrong, not their bodies. Brains addled by porn, social media and grooming. #transisalie #sexnotgender #menarenotwomen #womendonthavepenises

"The number of people currently claiming to have a gender identity is less than the number who were claiming aliens were probing their bumholes 20 years ago. Just because a phenomenon has been studied doesn't mean it exists outside a belief in it" @ Shatterface (Twitter) 3:02 PM May 9, 2021



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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