Scientists are destroying the earth!!! Geneticists are destroying earth. Last year mad scientists release 6,000 GM mosquitoes into the wild. We haven't seen anything yet. This year they created monster ants. Where will this tampering with nature lead? How will the laws of nature rebel against man's insanity. God has set the laws of nature in motion. If man wants to destroy and alter God's creation, He will allow men to do so, but only at their own peril. Man will suffer the consequences. I was reading recently about Rainbow Bombs (one hour video), where dozens of thermonuclear nukes detonation in the earth's upper atmosphere, creating beautiful rainbow-like colors. How has this destructiveness affected our planet?
The same wicked society that strips its clothes off, indulges in sexual immorality, aborts its babies and supports same-sex marriage will also tamper with genetic life, destroy the earth and support a Police State. In short, people are nuts!
This will be every transgenic cat's dream, glow in the dark mice. Don't think for one moment that fluorescent humans aren't around the corner, mark my'll see it, along with spider humans and every other godless monstrosity of mad scientists. Man's good intentions are often a Pandora's box. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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