bellatrixbells #transphobia
RE: Trans complains about the creepy crossdressing fetishists in their midst
This sounds a lot like another example of an autogynephile attempting to echo women's words and appropriate them to make himself feel more womanly, or to give credence to his movement.
I mean, let's break this down.
"What is up with some crossdressing fetishists persistently trying to insert themselves into trans people's (usually trans women's) spaces? And why is it usually older men who do this?"
What is up with some crossdressers persistently trying to insert themselves into opposite sex people's (especially women's) spaces? And why is it usually straight, older men who do this?
"I'm not usually one to kink shame (even though I find this particular fetish to be pretty misogynistic, the whole "sissy slut" thing), but it feels really gross and disrespectful to me."
Yeah, because dressing up as a woman (whatever that even means) and entering non consenting women's safe spaces isn't misogynistic, gross and disrespectful. It's only misogynistic, gross and disrespectful to TIMs if the man in question is an older fetishist.
"I get people and mods trying not to be gatekeep-y, but why does this sort of thing seem to be more tolerated than chasers?"
Because the whole premise of the trans movement is autogynephilia and the destruction of women's boundaries? Chasers harass men (TIMs), while TIMs "only" harass women. Of course the TIMs who have taken over women's spaces specifically to prevent any sort of gatekeeping will care about limiting chasers, but not autogynephiles. Doing so is antithetical to the entire trans movement which claims that anyone claiming a "female gender identity" should unquestioningly get to enter women's spaces.
"Fetishizing the trans experience, in a trans space no less is gross. It's gross when chasers do it, it's gross when other people do it too."
Dude, fetishizing and appropriating women's (and gay men's!) experience, in a female only, feminist, or gay men's space, is gross (and don't even get me started on lesbians!!). It's gross when crossdressers do it, it's gross when other people do it too. Even the poow widdle HSTS.