actuallybrazilian #sexist
most women are more far emotional than rational. as such that s their priority
everyone acts based on perceived reality but their distortion of reality is bigger, since it s more about what she wants it to be instead of wrong facts like it happens with deluded men.
as such everything else is no surprise: argue with logic with a women? you are actually attacking her, since she has big emotional investment in the thing you trying to say it s false. absurd amounts of antidepressants and meme reactions to things that in a first analysis do not deserve that? a result of having to deal with absurd cognitive dissonance and other people opinions being threats, not helping things to reach the truth.
being judgmental? sure, you have to for other people opinions not reach you and do negative damage to your feelings. inferiority and superiority complex? all about feelings, it can be lookism, when a chad trying something raises her opinion of herself and a incel doing the same decreases it, it can be about having to deal with the artificial thing that s women with authority, this deserves a topic for itself.
attacking weaker people? it s fine, if it makes ou feel good.
it does not matter to them that they are a mess as much as if other people think they are a mess. it s all about OTHERS make her feel, since most feelings are reactive.
society never forces women to keep their feelings in check like men. as such the '' women are children '' thing perpetuate in forums that discuss women. sure there s a natural component but most of it is societal.
it s no wonder modern '' politics '' attract women so much, it s basically a cult of party or personality, it brings a emotional connection between those and the voter which is a abomination efficiency wise. in our modern '' democratic '' societies there are basically cattle ( which is 90% ) that follow one of the cults, players that manipulate where the cattle will go ( those with enough money/time/contacts/etc) to influence enough other people to make a real impact/have their voices heard and irrelevant cattle that for any number of reasons refuse to participate in the game