Gerald Polley #homophobia #fundie

I came across an article stating that the homosexuals in California are trying to attack Judaism by outlawing circumcision. It is generally known that homosexuals prefer uncircumcised boys and they are trying to make their preference the law of the land. This is another reason why all synagogues in The United States should support my candidate. Many are circumcised because it is considered more hygienic, which I disagree with. But circumcision is the symbol that bonds my chosen people to me. And though I do not require it of everyone it is such a fundamental part of their faith that I do not believe people of other religions have a right to tell them that they can't practice it. This law is a direct attack on Judaism! The nation of Israel as a whole should condemn it, and, condemn those putting it forth. I ask all the people of California to vote against this proposition, to support the reasonable right of others to practice their religious beliefs. To compare male circumcision to the abomination of female circumcision which is taught nowhere in The Scriptures, shows how deranged these people are! I would order that those putting forth this proposition be removed from The Book Of Life, but as we have found they already have been, there would be no sense in making such a proclamation.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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