
Gerald Polley #fundie #homophobia voicesfromspirit.com

When a man says that a homosexual's advances are a compliment and not offensive he has already had sex with that homosexual. When a father says his homosexual son is acceptable, he has already been intimate with his son. When a woman says her daughter's lesbianism should be ignored, she has already sodomized her daughter. There is no middle ground! No matter how much some people don't want to feel ashamed of their children and admit that they are deranged, that is what they are. It cannot be accepted! Homosexual marriage is not permissible, public display of homosexuality is not permissible.

Gerald Polley #fundie #magick #conspiracy #god-complex voicesfromspirit.com

First of all this morning, I have to apologize for our failure to bring the rain we promised to Texas. We thought sure that we were going to be able to bring the storm over Texas for several hours and cause a great deal of rain. But Obama drew an horrendous surge of dark power up from South America, we believe using his union supporters, and pushed the storm east, causing it to take the track that we have been predicting for several months. Not that we didn't take advantage of it, but still we would've liked to get the rain to Texas. It is obvious this foul creature still has power, though it is weakening.


To give The Republicans more power I am putting forth a proposal. I have asked Conan O'Brien to move his show to Las Vegas, and to have his wife become my servant's campaign manager in Nevada. When my servant is president have Conan be his press secretary. In exchange in a thousand years I will give Conan power and glory equal to my own and a world to rule over in the stars as I rule over the Earth, especially for the people of Nevada. This is one male that is offered great power. I have also asked the senior President Bush to be my earthly host in Maine for two years, to have his wife Barbara be my servant's campaign manager in Maine.

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

    Though we will forbid the teaching of homosexuality and the public acceptance of it, we will be fair to the homosexuals.  This is our way.  As we constantly say, if they keep it home, if they keep it private, it does very little harm.  It's only when they start declaring "I'm gay, I'm proud, accept me as I am!" that they become the enemy.  Because they can never be accepted as they are.  If they keep it quiet it will be tolerated.  If they go public we will Fight them. However, we also want to be fair.  Those that understand that what they do is unacceptable but can't keep from doing it will be protected.  We will never allow abuse.  That is something the world had better understand.  Because we get very, very nasty to abusers of any kind!   

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

We've been asked if we had anything to do with the riots in Great Britain. No. As God constantly says, He doesn't have to attack His enemies, the idiots destroy themselves! It's absolutely perfect, just what they deserve! I won't say we didn't refuse to quiet them, to keep them from getting out of control, as we normally would. Why should we? The British are murdering children in Libya. The world should know that they're oppressing people at home, as well. Let's bring out their dirty laundry! Let's show them their society isn't perfect, that they're using the economically depressed like a third world country. We will admit, we're opportunists, and when an opportunity presents itself to totally humiliate an enemy we'll use it, our right. Just as soon as I am president I fully intend to shut down any military bases we have in Britain, and to bring all American service personnel home.

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

[Part of a letter sent to the Pope]

There is, however, an item that I want you to acquire, the gray pants that my servant is wearing right now as I dictate this message. They were stained with his blood when he suffered in my service, and would not give up the battle. They are extremely powerful. I wish you to purchase for my servant three pairs of black dickie work pants, three black work shirts, and present them to him in exchange for these pants. As my servant campaigns he will not wear suits, he will dress as a common laborer, as a common worker. He will not attempt to appear to be an aristocrat. He understands the poor because he has been poor. He understands the needy because he has been needy. He understands the old because he is old before his time because of his service to the people. Anyway, he looks like a slob in a suit. I don't think so, but he does.
These are additional requests that I make of you, these are my desires that I have you do. I want this power returned to Italy. I want my glory to return to Italy.
There is one other thing. I wish to have these pants displayed in St. Peter's so the faithful can view them, be empowered by them, and I want The Borgias removed from St. Peter's, those false popes that began the destruction of The Church with their lust and greed. I want them off my sacred ground! I want them removed and buried in unsanctified ground. I want their names struck from the Catholic rolls, and in all records they simply be referred to as the number of the Pope that they were, that their names never be uttered. For they were unfit to be my servants, and have nearly destroyed my world. Every honor that has been given them must be taken away from them, and the world must be told what filth they were.

Gerald Polley #homophobia #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

I came across an article stating that the homosexuals in California are trying to attack Judaism by outlawing circumcision. It is generally known that homosexuals prefer uncircumcised boys and they are trying to make their preference the law of the land. This is another reason why all synagogues in The United States should support my candidate. Many are circumcised because it is considered more hygienic, which I disagree with. But circumcision is the symbol that bonds my chosen people to me. And though I do not require it of everyone it is such a fundamental part of their faith that I do not believe people of other religions have a right to tell them that they can't practice it. This law is a direct attack on Judaism! The nation of Israel as a whole should condemn it, and, condemn those putting it forth. I ask all the people of California to vote against this proposition, to support the reasonable right of others to practice their religious beliefs. To compare male circumcision to the abomination of female circumcision which is taught nowhere in The Scriptures, shows how deranged these people are! I would order that those putting forth this proposition be removed from The Book Of Life, but as we have found they already have been, there would be no sense in making such a proclamation.

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

As I have said, I had been told by Obama's father that he insisted his son be born in his homeland. I believe what he is telling me. If that is true Obama cannot be an American citizen, and these documents are fakes. I know that there are those living that know the truth, and can expose it. They should do so. Obama knows that if the truth of his birth comes out it will be almost impossible for him to remain in office. So every possible fraud will be put forth.

Now, with that taken care of, I am asked by some to stop punishing the people in the southern United States with all this unusual severe weather. Well, unfortunately I'm not doin' it, not directly anyway. Under normal conditions we would be having a rather normal spring with a normal number of tornadoes and such. But unfortunately the southern states lie right in the path where the creatures of Darkness are channeling their power from South America up against us in New England. And this flow of dark power which they are funneling up to Washington DC is intensifying the already unstable weather. With the added pressure of global warming it is creating this havoc. The only way I could help is to defeat the creatures of Darkness and stop this flow of power. So if people want it stopped they'd better help me bring my candidate forth to the public, get the cooperation of The Republicans, and get them to cut down their rhetoric on abortion. Because it is the anti abortionists in this area that the creatures of Darkness are using to channel their power, along with the homosexuals.

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

[Part of a letter sent to Pope Benedict]

I also request that you send a directive to all Catholic Churches in The United States requiring that the priests in all Churches announce God's request that children ask their parents to buy them no Christmas presents this year, but to take them to church on Christmas Day so they can pray that their parents not betray them to Obama, and that they not be sold into inhuman bondage to the homosexuals.

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

Jesus absolutely irate by Mayor Jason West's, New Paltz, NY comments, which went "The people who would forbid gays from marrying in this country are those who would have made Rosa Parks sit in the back of the bus." Jesus considers these words a personal attack on Himself, as He is one of those that opposes homosexual marriage. Jesus says "I whispered in Rosa Parks' ear personally and told her it was time to say no, it was time to oppose the evil of segregation. Homosexuality is a sickness, it is an abomination, it is an epidemic, it is not a civil right, and this attack by this sick, depraved animal upon me, because I oppose it, is unconcionable, completely unacceptable.

As soon as Super Tuesday is over I will order my Angelic Messengers, The Hosts Of Heaven, to go after this sick pervert and everyone connected with him, to expose all the foulness and all the sickness that he is involved in. I ask the people of that region that are remaining silent because they are friends and family of those involved to speak up and tell the world what is going on in this little circle of sin. The evil that these people are doing is unspeakable! They are trying to destroy the bond between God and Man. They and their profound perversion are trying to destroy all life on Earth if people will not accept their sickness, and it is time for the people to stand.

This foul creature has called me evil, has called me despicable, has called me a racist because I oppose his sickness! If any support him they are removed from The Book Of Life and face eternal damnation. There is no longer any possibility of any kindness, of any mercy, of any pity. This foul creature has gone too far! He says I hate, he says I am prejudice, he says I am evil. He has attacked me, and that attack must be answered!"

Gerald Polley #fundie #homophobia voicesfromspirit.com

We would like to make the first effort against McDonald's, take away 50% or better of their business across the country until such time as they apologize for the comments they have made against those that oppose homosexuality, leave the homosexual chamber of commerce, and make it their policy that open homosexuality is not acceptable in their operation. As long as the homosexual doesn't tell and doesn't ask they would be welcome as employees. But if they are bothering other employees and customers they would not be, and McDonald's would reserve the right to dismiss them.

God does not think this is an unreasonable goal. The pro gay forces say they can't be stopped, boycotts won't work because people support them. We must prove them wrong! God wants you to lead in this effort. Again He would like you to raise millions of dollars to purchase coupons from other restaurants for free meals and hand them out to the elderly and the poor as part of our Presidential campaign. If you and your aides could be passing out coupons for Wendy's, Arby's, and others throughout Washington saying "Have a free meal from The Polley For President Committee! Elect God's Candidate!" that's the way We want to campaign.

Gerald Polley #fundie #homophobia voicesfromspirit.com

Obama is a creature of Darkness. He is selling Our children to the homosexuals for power and We will resist him with every legal avenue possible... We're winning major battles all over the world and We want to win a major one in America. Remember Our battle cry, "God in San Francisco Christmas Day!" That is Our goal this year for the Christmas season, the childrens' boycott, and, to have me denounce the homosexuals on the steps of San Francisco's city hall Christmas Day. Help Us achieve it. Rally America! Come on Tea Party members, join Us! Demetrius is your man! He will lead you with thunder and lightning!

Gerald Polley #fundie #homophobia #wingnut voicesfromspirit.com

This is not how I intended to begin this letter, but the news that the Nobel committee has awarded Obama the peace prize has just absolutely sickened everyone in The Afterlife! Everyone in my Kingdoms declares that the Nobel committee is insane. They're saying everything backwards. This man isn't striving for peace, he's creating chaos! Fortunately We were able to counter it and let's hope We can keep that up. Well, it should've been Demetrius' prize, would've gone to support the goddesses. Maybe next year if We get the Palestinian project going and show these people what a real peace maker can do. Peace prize! Good grief! We are completely at a loss why people are making a fuss that more lesbians are put out of the army under don't ask don't tell than homosexuals. Why are they telling? Why don't they keep it quiet? If they break the rule they should be put out of the service. Doesn't matter if they're male or female. If homosexuals want to serve they keep it to themselves, do it in private. Don't make a fuss about it. Then they can serve as long as they want to. However, when they start teaching sickness, when they start saying it's acceptable and they want to serve as an open lesbian they have to go, it's that simple. If more lesbians enlist than homosexuals that's their problem!

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

[Gerald Polley posting a message allegedly given to him by God]

We are hoping for a victory in Maine today, to deal homosexual marriage a death blow, a mortal wound. It will be close! However if We fail I will blame one man, Pope Benedict Of Rome, because I personally instructed him to go to Maine and rally his people against this abomination, but he would not, because I do not support his false teachings on abortion, so he is lost to me forever. But his people beg me to continue to reach out to him, to give him a chance for eternal life. Their pleas are so desperate I have to answer them, so I will say this. I am trying to reach Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger in California, rise her to my cause. I want to march through San Francisco on Christmas Day and condemn the homosexuals. If Pope Benedict will contact Maria and ask her to fulfill my wishes, accept power and glory equal to my own, and support Demetrius' bid for the presidency, assist him in moving to California, then conduct mass in San Francisco Christmas Eve and march with me Christmas Day I will have Maria take charge of his soul, have him care for The Catholics on her new world in a hundred years. Not only will I give him eternal life, I will glorify him. I will give him someone to serve that will make him great. The Catholics will have .05% of this new world in the stars. Now, I have made an offer. I wish that those that support Benedict now leave me alone. I leave it up to him. If he wants eternal life I give him an opportunity. If he continues to defy me his fate is his own. I am done with him. He is forever separate from me. However, I offer him another to give him eternity. I have done my duty.

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

Yesterday God told us that He has ended His relationship with Mrs. Obama and her daughters, that He will make no place for them in The Kingdoms Of God because Mrs. Obama hosted a gay pride celebration in The White House and did not speak out against it. And because her daughters would not speak out against their father sodomizing the children of the world. These are the most sad times! But God has offered them hope. He has offered them a place, a chance to restore themselves to Him. Let us pray the one who he has asked to help them does so. They are beyond His reach. He has removed all Angelic Workers from The White House. It is now a place of utter Darkness, of utter despair. Hopefully some day We can bring The Light back to it, and drive the creatures of Darkness out, if I win the election in 2,012.
Speaking of 2,012 there's a sick movie out claiming that the world's going to be destroyed in that year, and that only a few of humanity will survive. The people that are pushing this are trying to make money. There's no truth to it, whatsoever. God wants me to assure everyone that nothing that abnormal should happen in the year 2,012. Well, if I become President that might be something that many would consider would be the end of the world, but that would be about the only thing! The world will not end with a bang. If mankind perishes it will be with a whimper, it will not be swift and sudden, but slow and agonizing.

Gerald and Linda Polley #homophobia voicesfromspirit.com

The answer to the question of how should we negotiate with those who support the gay and lesbian chamber of commerce businesses is that we should under no circumstances negotiate with them. We are dealing with people who are totally without honor, will do anything for political power, to whom lying and cheating is a way of life. Such people should not be negotiated with. Any attempt by them to negotiate should be ignored.

The terms of the boycott are simple. It will continue as long as The Gay And Lesbian Chamber Of Commerce is in effect. There is no compromise, there is absolutely nothing to negotiate. And under absolutely no circumstances should people negotiate with homosexuals over the boycott. Debating homosexuals shows acceptance of their views, gives them an opportunity to spread their poison to the public. Therefore, do not debate with them. Do not publicly argue with them. State clearly that homosexuality is a sickness, it is not a religion, it is not a race, it is not an ethnic creed. There is no point in arguing with the mentally ill. They will not listen, they will not hear. Their only goal is to promote their sickness, to make it acceptable. And if you debate with them, if you recognize them, you are helping them do that. Do not do it Do not help them. Oppose them. Stop them. Tell the world your views, but do not argue with them. It doesn't help.

Gerald A. Polley #fundie #homophobia voicesfromspirit.com

[Gerald A. Polley, who claims to be "God's Only Recognized Representative On Earth", allegedly quoting God's comments on Obama.]

I repeat today that I do not recognize the presidency of Barack Obama. I will, under no circumstances, allow those that truly serve me to communicate with him or any member of his administration in any way, for he has joined The United Nation's efforts to sodomize my children and to legalize homosexuality. I ask every government of the world to send their strong rebuke to Mr. Obama and tell him that they will not allow him to sodomize their sons. That no American official will be allowed in their countries that promotes homosexuality. Any American official stating that homosexuallity is acceptable will immediately be put out of their countries. Anyone trying to teach their sons to destroy themselves will not be accepted.
I ask this of every Islamic country. I ask all religious leaders of every denomination that truly follow me to rebuke Mr. Obama bitterly and say that this is not acceptable. I will repeat clearly so all will understand, no individual that supports homosexuality will ever enter into my Kingdoms. No one that encourages young men to destroy their bodies, their minds, and their souls will be permitted to abide with their loved ones within the boundaries of my Kingdoms. I condemn bitterly Mr. Obama for taking part in this abomination and telling young men to destroy themselves. I will never accept this, I will never allow it. I strike his name from The Book Of Life, I remove him from my fellowship. He will never be a part of me again.