Phracker #sexist
I've seen this one before. It's interesting how feminism only exists because of these spinsters who wanted to redefine feminine roles because they basically failed at being women. I will say that there are some gender norms that are way too rigid, and feminists are right to try to break those down because it makes people overall more free to express themselves in whatever way they want. But I also think that most conventionally feminine women who identify as feminists only do so because of social norms, not because they actually want to be equal, because women are basically NPCs who believe whatever they're told. I think all women know subconsciously that they're the inferior sex and that's why they still expect men to pay for their shit and will dump any guy who isn't capable of leading them. No matter how feminist they claim to be, they're still fundamentally submissive and want men to provide for them and make decisions for them. When I'm dealing with women, I basically treat them like children and tell them what to do, without overtly disagreeing with their feminist views. Women are comfortable with this contradiction between rhetoric and behavior because they're basically incapable of rational thought. You should follow Red Pill advice, but don't ever talk about the Red Pill.