various commenters #transphobia
RE: Something that really unsettles me with TIFs
( NewbieGuest93 )
What's unsettling about this phenomenon, what you just described, is that they seem to not be accepting of themselves and their bodies, and feel the need to alter themselves. That kind of mentality is just so foreign to how I am, I'm naturally a very masculine woman and i don't feel the need to perform femininity, so why can't these woman just accept themselves and their bodies how it naturally is. I don't want to sound judgemental or narrow minded, I just find this phenomenon of packing or taping down ones breasts by these TIFs to be difficult to understand and comprehend.
( moody_ape )
i think it comes down to a very deeply rooted internalized misogyny. most women hate our bodies, so """"becoming a man"""" is the ultimate destruction of their femaleness. also, trans identified individuals are completely obsessed with passing and being validated by everyone. so they'll do whatever they can to achieve that (at least in the case of TIFs). i find it really contradictory how they want to pass so desperately in order to be "invisible" (because no one notices they're trans) but at the same time they won't shut up about it [...]
( Sadeyedlady )
In the comments there are a bunch of tifs talking about going through airport security with their fake dicks and in many cases getting flagged as having a suspicious object and getting patted down or an X-ray. wtf??? Purposely inconveniencing themselves and others at an airport just for “euphoria.”
( syntaxerror )
Honestly, you could totally use this cultural climate against people to smuggle stuff through TSA. Just screech transphobia. And also the model that the OP has basically suction cups to your crotch, so I pity the airport employee that day who has to peel it off and inspect it for balloons or deadly weapons 🤦♀️
( RuneOwl )
And here I thought packers were primarily for an individual TIF’s peace of mind, to ease their dysphoria and possibly help men’s undergarments fit better. I imagine the scenarios where they would be visible to other people are limited, maybe in wet swim trunks? It shouldn’t be obvious underneath normal everyday clothing.
It really does come off as overcompensating for something. Ironically, being obnoxious over dick insecurity is about as close to a genuinely male experience as she’ll ever get.