Men and women both must put an end to feminism.
Why? Because you don't like the idea of woemn being emancipated, or treated as people?
If not, the world will resort back to the type of IDOLATRY in ancient times where women were worshipped as gods
Um, have you been smoking something? Look, there are a select few 'feminists' who scream "men are teh ebbils!" - but the majority of just want to be treated as people; not better, not worse, just at the same level as men. And for the religious ones, see woemn treated better within the Churches, Mosques and so on.
in phallic practices where the vagina of the woman was also worshipped due to its ability to bring forth new life.
Phallic? Do have any damned clue what 'phallic' refers to? The penis. Seriously, check your dictionary. And yes, people did worship 'idols' in older religions - but I doubt they just "worshipped" the vagina. Read a history book.
God condemned this and all forms of idolatry
however the sickness of female worship still lingers among us to this day.
Where? Oh right, it's because worshipping the holy cock, nevermind.
I will tell you in closing, that men and women are indeed equal in nature as human beings.
Glad you think so.
Christian men and women, in particular, are equal in Christ.
Yes, we certainly are.
But we are not equal in person or function, regardless of what the Constitution of the United States has to say
You just HAD to finish with that, didn't ya? Ya know, I'd love to see guys like this in labour for even ten minutes, you know they'll be crying for their mothers. Hell, I'd like to see go through a period.