David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Reba McEntire is one of the biggest feminists alive today, and has produced some of the most malicious feminist propaganda against the teachings of the Word of God. Here's some lyrics from Reba's YOU'RE NO GOOD lyrics ...
You're no good... baby you're no good
I'm tellin' you now baby
That I'm going my way
Forget about you baby
'Cause I'm leaving today
Here's another song by Reba, SOMEONE SHOULD LEAVE...
Somebody should leave
But which one should it be
You need the kids
And they need me
Somebody should leave
No doubt, Reba has done much to promote divorce in America by pushing feminist rebellion through her music and videos. Reba represents the sinful PRIDE of the Feminist Movement. Reba is a real man these days, strutting around on stage while bellowing out her feminist garbage. Note in the above chart that the divorce rate has recently dropped because people just aren't getting married anymore.
Like it or not, the husband has Biblical authority to RULE over his own wife (Genesis 3:16). Anyway who removes or questions that authority is in serious trouble with God! Wives who rebel will stand account on Judgment Day before God.
Divorce has skyrocketed 50-fold in America since feminism came to town. Many feminist women don't even realize they're feminists. If you want to be a feminist, just disobey your husband, because that's the heart of feminism—rebellion! Feminism is the leading cause of divorce. Faith Hill joined Nicole Kidman and Matthew Broderick in 2004 to appear in Frank Oz's remake of the 1975 feminist thriller, The Stepford Wives.
There is something very WRONG in society when we see women in charge of men. We are living in sick days, or "perilous times" as 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 calls them, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves..." "Men" here is used in a broad sense and also refers to women. People are in love with themselves nowadays. Society is filled with selfish people who are quick to recommend divorce, disregarding one's wedding day vows to remain faithful "for better, FOR WORSE." Society is filled with a bunch of LIARS who quit their marriages and file for divorce.
Not surprisingly, both Reba and Faith have divorced. I do NOT condemn them, for we are all guilty sinners in God's eyes. It is not my place to judge, nor yours. I am simply taking a Biblical stand against Godless Feminism that is the root cause of most divorce today in America. Reba's music openly promotes Feminism and so does Faith Hill.