various commenters #transphobia

RE: California State Assembly passed a bill allowing parents to lose custody of their children if they refuse to accept their child’s gender transition (Video) |

( legopants )
I couldn't imagine losing my child all because I refused to let them become a medical experiment of billionaires and perverted men. There are actual child abuse and neglect cases that go ignored and the child suffers severely or even dies. But sure, let's rip children out of perfectly good homes because they want to play pretend past recess.

( feministdna )

Why is ACTUAL child abuse ignored and so, so prevalent, and no one seems to care? But the Trans movement has got the general population on a witch hunt against mothers who are trying to protect their kids

( Clarus )
Definitely part of the trans-medical complex attempt to gain more control over children and to make lifelong patients out of them. The real answer should be to help children feel good in their current gender without needing thousands of dollars of surgeries. They're pushing hyper-consumerism on children.

( syntaxerror )
Wait, can someone explain to me what happens to the kids when they’re removed from custody? Are the put into the foster care system? Is it temporary? Permanent? These articles never seem to go into much detail. I don’t understand how that would even work.

( pennygadget )
That worries me as well. Are they specifically placed with some "queer glitter family" who will affirm everything they want? In some LGBTQAI2SWTF+ Group Home with other delusional gender-special children? How does this work?

( sojourner_truth_ )
Best case scenario it will be some Handmaiden who signs off on all the butchery and drugs. Other options include that handmaiden plus her polycule of stunning and brave who molest the kid, pimp the kid out, etc... or a group home where rape is guaranteed by staff and/or other residents.

( Carrots90 )
They really are coming for the children

Will this just apply to make custody cases that much worse?

Or will it be used to feed kids to the foster care system?

The thing that is only supposed to be for worst case scenario’s because it makes kids that much more vulnerable to exploitation

Oh, and you get paid more if the foster kid is gender special



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