More Various Commenters #conspiracy #fundie

(Bunch of YouTube comments)

Mary C I don´t think it´s already the mark of the beast but it´s harmful. The green dictator-pass is the antichrist-tool to prepare the world to accept the real mark of the beast in the future, which is a sort of chip or tattoo that is placed in the right hand or forehead and without you can´t buy or sell.


@Helmut Baschleben Yes I did, but the vaccination is harmful anyway, genetic technology is to be refused, fetal tissue containing or on fetal tissue tested vaccinations can´t be pleasing to god and christians!

Children of Light

Sumerian English Gematria type words '' A COVID VACCINE '' = 666 this is no joke

10 months ago (edited)
@Children of Light It´s claerly a satanic agenda to inject the whole world with a mixture, that has not been tested in proper long term studies. First the vaccine and the vaccination pass, then the tattoo-
chip.The mark of the beast is coming soon, so is worldwide persecution. But Jesus finally will put an end to this blasphemious activities. God bless you all!



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