various commenters #transphobia

RE: What evidence would you need to see in order to change your mind?

( KanaChameleon )
I would be happily live and let live if TRAs would do the same. If they agreed and respected that women and homosexuals have boundaries and needs distinct from that of the trans identified.

If TRAs did not insist on eradicating single sex spaces, women's sports, safeguarding measures, female prizes and opportunities, sex based language, homosexuality defined as same sex attraction, and instead fought for third spaces or their own trans opportunities exclusive to them, then please go for it. Even if I will not ever agree that men can be women and women can be men I have no right to stop anyone self defining. I just do not believe the law/or our social rules should be based around identity over biological sex.

( notsofreshfeeling )
100% - Gender identity should be protected on the basis of protected belief, not sex. It's a religion built around the supernatural: it's materially impossible for our sexually dimorphic human species to change from one sex to the other. I'm fine with people believing in flat-earth type nonsense, just as long as those beliefs are not imposed upon me.

( hmimperialtortie )
It’s not an unfalsifiable claim, though, which makes me think it’s not in the same category and definitely not worthy of protection. The claim that men can be women and vice versa is demonstrably untrue. Plus the whole point of it is to force it on the unwilling.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Having wine changed into blood is also untrue in exactly the same way — the religious practices themselves can be falsifiable by reasonable people, but not so by believers in a gender (soul). I say religion. Children (who cannot consent and are therefore unwilling) are targeted in both cases.

( m0RT_1 )

For me, they would need to demonstrate absolutely no intention to colonize and take over women's sexed based rights in law or practice. I'd support them having their own safe spaces and clubs,etc.

I'd like an answer to why can't men accept TIMs as another category of men and support them in the male community, too.

Also, i like an answer to how we are meant to distinguish between so-called "true trans" and the other 98% that are porn-soaked AGPs that make women's lives a fetish.



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