Abdur Raheem #fundie ummah.com

Just to note, I'm not judging anyone by making this post or trying to act overly religious. Applies to me as well. This is reminder like every other one that I felt required a whole post on it's own due to the prevalence of it. If you are a person who involves themselves in any of these forms of entertainment, please don't be rude about what I have to say.

A large portion of Muslims today still engage in entertaining themselves with haram entertainment and I wanted to have a look at each form explaining why we should stay away from it.

1) Movies

Probably the most viewed form of entertainment out of all them. The whole purpose of movies is to make you forget about your life and just enjoy fiction for a while. The problem here is that people start to lose focus of why they are here by involving themselves with movies to much. We are here to win our Akhira and enjoy as much as possible there. If we spend most of time wasting it on fantasies which are pointless and just pass time, then we will regret it heavily later when we see how much lower our rank in Jannah is by losing out on all those good deeds we could have done.

It is the nature of entertainment media to choose attractive men and women, which immediately negates the modesty required of a Muslim. We should always be lowering our gazes whenever we see someone of great attractiveness since they could induce evil thoughts. It would be pointless to spend half the movie lowering the gaze every now and then.

Then there's obviously the filthy behavior that is being displayed in the movies. Free mixing and zina and partying and zina and foul language and zina and free mixing and all the filthy things you can think of. Young people will start to feel like they are missing out on all the fun of interacting with the opposite gender by watching these movies thinking "What's the worst that could happen?"

Animated movies and "movies for kids" are something terrible as well. Don't be fooled by the "child friendly" approach they try to show you. Small little drops of fitna are poured here and there all over the movie. Let's take "Frozen" for example. A kids movie which grossed over a billion dollars which released last year. Story about a girl who was going to get married to a guy. Has family issues with psycho sister. Guy was evil. Goes for another guy. Happy ending. Seems pretty nice. But it's not.
Subliminally in the story, while this girl was going to marry one man, she travels alone with another man for the sister issues part of the movie, and starts to fall in love with him. But oh dear, they can't be together since she's supposed to marry another man, so obviously the script decides to make him evil, giving her the green light to jump on to the other guy. And the audience is supposed to think this whole thing was ok.

This sort of freemixing showcased in movies shows exactly why we shouldn't be watching them. This was a kids movie that too. Had it been an 18+ movie or real life, we know what major sin they most likely would have done while they were simply travelling together. Then another kids movie made a character homosexual for no reason. Kids growing up to that will think "Gay people are funny and nice ".

2) TV shows

Majority of the reasons have already been stated but TV shows have their own special problem.

More length = More time wasted over years and years.

Then there's the fact that the most popular shows like How I met your mother and FRIENDS revolve around friends committing zina without anything that moves that gives consent all in the name of "Searching for true love". Yes, you want to know you love someone, so you go around committing zina. What's worse is that in their freemixing between themselves as friends, these characters fall in love with each other and commit zina.

And then shows like Game of Thrones showcasing more nudity that the adult industry would be proud of with a side serving of sexual perversions like incest, orgies and other sick things.

Breaking bad? Adulterous wife.

The Walking dead? Adulterous wife.

House of Cards? Adulterous everything.

Entourage? Let's not even talk about it.

And the list goes on and on when it comes to filthy things being displayed on these shows.

It's as if they make the script saying "Hey Louie! This not enough zina in this season. Make this woman an adulteress. We need dem ratings!!" "Sure thing, Franky!"

3) Music

I don't understand why women themselves support the music industry when so many songs and music videos treat women like objects. Last year there was a music video which had completely naked women with fully suited men. In an interview, the woman said that "sometimes a girl just needs to have a little fun with her body". And later that year, Lady Gaga decided to perform a song completely naked. And all sorts of indecent things happen when music is involved. Look at bars and clubs, a place where music is played when men and women just rub themselves against each other which they couldn't do without music ("Bikini is ok on the beach but not in buildings" effect) they have a one night stand and never meet again. This goes completely against the dignity of a human being.

Furthermore, music plays in our head throughout the day if we listen to it. We lose concentration now and then because a song was playing in our head. This could happen when we are in Salah and ruin our kushoo.

Then there's the fact that people lose their minds over the artists. One Direction, Bieber and the rest. Causing people to lose their mind and act so irrationally. Willing to cut themselves for their sake. The worst part being that these celebrities don't even care about them back.

Then there's the fact that majority of songs encourage zina and acts that lead to it. And then there's the fact that so many filthy words are included in these songs.

4) Video Games

While this one hurts the most for me to say, Video games are probably the worst out of all these things. Rasulullah mentioned that people who make images are amongst the worst creations of Allah . Would you pay money for a person who murders? For a rapist? For a thief? Paying money for video games is support for the haram that these people are doing.

Furthermore, video games contains all the problems of all other forms of entertainment.

Music, violence, nudity, foul language, excessive time waste, forgetting Dunya and everything else.

Studies have also shown that playing video games can increase agitation in people. It also makes people more lazy, wanting to sit in one place for hours just watching a screen. Getting annoyed when they are called away for something else.

What many of us don't know is that these things can directly change our imaan. Everything we expose ourselves to can influence we act and think. But we refuse to believe that simply because it is entertainment. Think of all the bad thoughts and ideas that have been put in our minds because of exposing ourselves to these things. It could have been one TV show episode that brought us this much closer to the idea of being ok with zina. The most dangerous thought you can have is "It's not going to happen to me. I can control myself"

We should all keep in mind that whatever we give up for Allah He will give you something better. We could be throwing away so much happiness which lasts forever for extremely temporary happiness. Think about it....aren't we all still going to be sad and depressed about some problem or another even after watching movies, tv shows, listening to music and playing games? Then what was the point of them besides wasting time? In the long run we just lose time and money. Most importantly we lose the immense rewards that we can get for leaving these acts which we will ALWAYS be happy about.

we should try our best to leave these acts for the happiness of Allah and become the best Muslims we can possibly be



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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