In the U.S., a nation that claims to be founded on the teachings of Christ and the Bible, why is homosexuality accepted. God instructed that homosexuals within the nation of Isreal be killed and has since declared that people who practice such disgusting perversion will not inherit the Kingdom but will be destroyed. Why then do most people, while claiming to be Christian, completely disregard Gods feelings on the matter?
[after being confronted about America not being founded on Christianity...with evidence]
Mn. Bloody morons.
I do not hate anyone.
The act and not the person is hated by God.
If you insist that The founders of American government did not hypocritically CLAIM to base their standards on "Christian" values you are foolish.
At any rate The vast majority of Americans say that they are Christians.
Why then do most people, while claiming to be Christian, completely disregard Gods feelings on the matter? At any rate The vast majority of Americans say that they are Christians. I think you've just blown your own argument out of the water.
Yes the majority of Americans are Christians, however that does not automatically make this county Christian exclusive, nor does that mean we should base our laws off it. As far as I see it, if God hates gays then that's his problem and he'll punish them for it, however I think people should not take on the role of God and punish them.
"Why then do most people, while claiming to be Christian, completely disregard Gods feelings on the matter?"
Because we're not a bunch of sick, genocide endorsing fucks. We actually hold Jesus and his words in a much higher regard, possess a brain, and give a damn about people besides ourselves.
"In the U.S., a nation that claims to be founded on the teachings of Christ and the Bible"
The US claming something would imply that the government did it. Please cite soruces, so we know who in the government doesn't grasp that part of teh constitution either (besides being factually wrong).
Oh, Bush doesn't count, he wouldn't recognize the constition if his life dependent on it.
"In the U.S., a nation that claims to be founded on the teachings of Christ and the Bible"
No. Knowledgeable people do not claim that. YOU claim that. You are wrong, and, with just an iota of effort, you could have easily known that. You're a moron.
The vast majority will be a minority in less than 50 years. And bearing in mind that Catholics and other sects are not saved, the numbers are even inferior. By the way, Jefferson and Paine were agnostics, that´s why they say that. And the people of Israel died for a number of reasons they don´t die today(ask Clinton, Bakker or New Englanders lobster-eaters, for that matter)
At any rate The vast majority of Americans say that they are Christians."
The vast majority of Americans also don't want to kill or hurt anybody, or see them come to harm.
That observation answers the moronic question in the first paragraph.
"In the U.S., a nation that claims to be founded on the teachings of Christ and the Bible...."
The Treaty of Tripoli not only kills this sentence, it also chops up the pieces, throws them in the dumpster, pours gas over the pieces, lights a match and sets them ablaze, and, just to make sure it's properly dead, pour acid over the whole thing.
"The act and not the person is hated by God."
Which is why it sometimes confuses me as to WHY would there be gay Christians (including my aunt, unfortunately)
"If you insist that The founders of American government did not hypocritically CLAIM to base their standards on "Christian" values you are foolish." But... but, I thought that the majority of the founders where Deists (and Freemasons, which confuses me as to why you fundies keep referring to them, when YOU guys believe Freemasonry is a cult)
At any rate The vast majority of Americans say that they are Christians.And? What's your point?
I got as far as the second sentence, and all I have to say is:
Treaty of Tripoli, bitch!
Who claims that the US was founded on the teachings of the Bible and Christ? Certainly not the Founding Fathers, and they ought to know, right?
You can't not accept homosexuality, asshole! That would be like not accepting tall people or not accepting men. God also instructed that those who ate shellfish, wore clothes of mixed fabrics and worked on the Sabbath be punished.
If the act is the problem and not the person, then punish the act and not the person. OK?
A vast majority of Americans ARE Christians, sure. That does not mean that religion should be mixed into government, as there are a lot of people who are NOT Christians and who should also be represented by the government. Better to keep all religion out of government.
"The act and not the person is hated by God."
Then tell me, O wise one, why he instructed them to be killed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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