Various Incels #sexist

RE: [JFL] If we ever needed more proof most women are absolutely braindead

Men hating astrology and tarot, ect.

(insanus virginem)
If you want to know how stupid and primitive women are just look at the mainstream protests. There is always some foid screaming about how climate change will kill us all in 40 years or some whore screaming about how black people are being terrorized by police to a point where they are afraid to leave their house and wear their hoodie. If not that it's something about refugees and abortions.

Fods take up the most basic of basic political opinions and when they are feeling a little bit edgy they are retarded communist because their liberal arts college professor told them to read Marx.

Proof that the barrier to be acceptable as a woman are so terribly low you cannot fail. You can literally tell people you believe and magic and at worst people will be like "yeah thats kinda wierd"
Female dating strategy my ass. If they were autistic men they would be touchless virgins. Autistic female hobbies are nowhere near being combarable

this was my first blackpill when I was an 8yearoldcel. all foids, even supposedly respectable ones believed in all sorts of literal meme tier horseshit or worse. my mom went to a future teller once or twice a year :lul: she's a fucking biologist but dumb enough to do this :lul:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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