Mr.Canada #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia

[What if a new test could determine whether a fetus was genetically predisposed to homosexuality?]

Well first you'd have o prove to me that homosexuality is genetic, which it isn't. It's a choice but lets just say it's genetic so I can answer you. Next no abortion at all ever, we're Catholic. Additionally, I have strong male hetro genes and no child of mine will be gay but lets play along and say it was true. He would be taught that homosexual acts are a sin and he's not to give in to these feelings or he'll land his eternal soul into the fires of hell for all eternity being ripped apart over and over again. He would join the seminary if he is admitted and become celibate and become a priest if he got the call from the Bishop. He would have no choice as I, his father calls the shots not him. I'm the boss of my children not the other way around like so many seculars.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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