Greek religions were a pagan religion... Pagan religions is the second oldest religion in the world.
The first known religion is Christianity(before christ juadism). We know that Christianity was the first religion, because even in the prehistoric period(before people learn how to write and record things) there are drawings of the creation story that match the one in the bible... therefore we know that Christianity was the first religion, because Pagan religions didn't come around until after the prehistoric period when people started to build civilizations.
"We know that Christianity was the first religion, because even in the prehistoric period(before people learn how to write and record things) there are drawings of the creation story that match the one in the bible..."
We know that islam is the first religion because Allah created the world. Christianity is a latecomer false religion.
Nice word salad, dearie.
Pagan religions are a group of religions, not one single religion, stupid. As Hinduism (a pagan religion) is the oldest now known religion, then pagan religions are (probably) the oldest religions in the world.
Christianity and Judaism aren't the same, stupid. You might as well say "Islam(before muhammad christianity)". Capitalizations (or rather lack thereof) quoted as well.
Judaism copied its creation stories from older myths and legends. That's why drawings of creation stories might match the one in the Bible.
What is a civilization? I'd say that religion was one of the earliest inventions after people had started to build civilizations.
According to the Oxford English Disctionary, a Religion is:
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods:ideas about the relationship between science and religion:
a particular system of faith and worship
a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion.
Notice the words Jeebus, Moses or even god do not appear. So yes, the pre-Christian Greek, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, Indian (in both senses) and so on systems of faith and worship were religions.
God, you are stupid and your mama dresses you funny.
Greek religions were a pagan religion... Pagan religions is the second oldest religion in the world.
Do you understand the use of plurals, or even grammar? It looks like you may need help with history, and reality too.
This is all some mighty powerful fractal FAIL!
Christianity dates to the first century CE.
The greek pagans were already well established by then.
The hindu pagans of India were worshiping Shiva and Parvati a full 2500 years before the rise of christinity, and 1800 years before judaism appeared.
Egyptian pagan ritual centers date to before the invention of writing (3400 bce) and show an unbroken continuity of the worship of the same gods untill the christianization in the 3rd century CE
The first known religion is Christianity(before christ juadism).
I've heard the "Christianity is the first religion ever" argument before, but this variant has to be the weirdest. So according to you, Jesus came in prehistoric times (since Christianity predates all historical religions and Judaism predates Christianity, which requires Jesus, as even you mentioned). I mean, I know fundies take a tremendous amount of artistic license with history, science, and the rest of reality, but even the zaniest fiction writer knows that there are limits to how far you can go.
before people learn how to write and record things
Judging by your command of the English language, resp. the lack thereof, I would say that remnants of the phenomenon you described exist yet today.
Yes, and Cheddar cheese existed before there was milk. Also, all plants that we see in the world today were hatched from eggplant. Circles used to have corners but they wore off.
Read some of the other answers! This one is a WTF:
"My English Lit professor explained to us that the pantheon of "gods" created by ancient Greek poets were actually caricatures of their leaders of the time.
Really nothing more than their idea of political cartoons to satirize the buffoons in office."
Another example to add to the Creative License - History/Religion thing on TV Tropes.
That said, sounds like one of many Yahoo Answers trolls. Why do we keep quoting these bozos? They most likely don't believe the crap they write. In fact, they may be simply be doing a stealth parody & are on OUR SIDE.
there are drawings of the creation story that match the one in the bible
This is nonsense. But even if it were true, it wouldn't mean they were copied from the Bible. It would be more likely the other way around.
And let me guess, the original Christians were the Baptists, right, and Caveman Ugg was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Arrrrrg Cave?
"Since the Genesis creation story is inspired by Babylonian, Sumerian and Greek creation stories, that proves Christianity is true."
Also, Hinduism predates Judaism by about 1800 years.
@documentingtehcrazy: yes. Seriously, people actually make the argument that Christianity predated all other religions and even the birth of Christ itself.
No, I don't get it either.
@Tempus et al:
Didn’t we have a quote here stating that Adam was the first Christian?
Sorry, my mistake. It was Moses who was a Christian.
*shakes head*
I can't even think up witty responses to these anymore. Or even react strongly in any sense. It's all just the same shit, said in different words. I think I'm gonna unsubscribe for a while, just to desaturate my brain so I can come back and laugh at this shit instead of wanting to kill myself.
Just a question. If what you say is right, why was Jesus born in a time where a very solid civilisation, like Rome, was consolidated, and so was another, Judaism, to which Jesus belonged?. It just makes no sense.
And why Jesús, you knoe, the guy who started Christianity, was BORN long know, Mesopotamian civilisation?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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