Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin. Jesus made this clear in Matthew 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Women who wear pants deliberately cause men to lust, and commit the sin of adultery. It is this spirit of fornication which has caused tens-of-millions of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, and 48,000,000 abortions in America. Rock-n-Roll, Big Band, and the roaring 20's are much to blame. Along with these swingy types of music came dancing, one of the biggest sins of all. Billy Sunday was right to preach against dancing, and by the way... ALL dancing is dirty dancing unless it's between a husband and wife in the privacy of their home.
So, if I put on hot pants and dance around you I could quite possibly destroy your soul? That might be a worthy experiment to undertake.
I'll choose the music and it won't be that dreary stuff that you fundies love to play on hammond organs either.
I'm seriously beginning to doubt that this guy is for real, I nominate this as best parody ever, and say this doesn't belong on FSTDT.
If this is not a parody, what is your favorite color for hot pants, David?
Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin. Jesus made this clear in Matthew 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
Am I being slow here, or does that passage actually say fuck all about pants?
could I get a real man's point of view here? anyone? which would you find sexier and more likely to lead to lustful thoughts? a woman wearing baggy, oversized, elasticated-waist trousers or a woman wearing a mini-skirt? (assuming she's got the legs for a mini-skirt)
If men can't control their urges, there isn't free will, and they're not sining, therefore. It's like blaming Bill Gates for the theft or black people for racism.
could I get a real man's point of view here? anyone? which would you find sexier and more likely to lead to lustful thoughts? a woman wearing baggy, oversized, elasticated-waist trousers or a woman wearing a mini-skirt? (assuming she's got the legs for a mini-skirt)
It's not that simple. Some girls look better in one, some in the other. But, then again, if I think a particular girl is a hottie, that probably wont change no matter what she wears! Ultimately, clothing only amplifies what's already there.
This is how stone-washed denim came about, right? I mean, if pants committed adultery, they were stoned, right?
No, that meant that if you lust after a woman, you are being adulterous. Not her. If you believe in Jesus, anyway.
Hey, David - I'm going to a dance tonight, at the community center. They'll be playing swingy type music, my hubby and I will drink, and I'll dance with other men.
Do these pants make my ass look fat?
Last time I checked, I wear trousers because they're comfortable, not to attract men. Also, what the fuck does that verse have to do with trousers, shit-for-brains? It's talking about the man, he's the one that's lusting, and it doesn't say the woman is causing anything. Nor is she sinning.
Blah bla, fucking blah. Stop pretending you're a prophet, or that you know anything. You're just a self-righteous twat, and we couldn't care less what you think is a sin.
Oh it's this guy again.
The one who thinks The Chronicles of Narnia contains scenes of paedophilia.
What a thoroughly diseased mind this person has. His obsessions with sex and prurient religiosity are truly pathological. A case for the authorities to look into perchance?
The world doesn't end because you dance, David. Are you going to get to 900 years old and go, "I've never danced" or is it going to be, "I'm 900 years old, you can assume I've...danced."
Sorry, I saw dancing and that just popped up into my head. Bananas are a good source of potassium!
*gapes and sputters for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say* I mean... wtf? this... this is so idiotic that I can't even bring my scathing wit against it! (no comments about that please, I really do have a scathing wit... most of the time XD)
cool cats :
The sexy individuals in that picture you posted are wearing tops with rainbow-like patterns on them.
And we ALL know what the rainbow represents. Clearly, you are trying to turn all of us good fundies gay. Stop it! Stop, I say!
Personally, I find skirts secksier (got no problem with saying sexy, it's just more fun with teh secks) than pants, regardless of lenght. With that said, pants can look damn good too, depending on fit, etc.
"ALL dancing is dirty dancing unless it's between a husband and wife in the privacy of their home."
...with the blackout curtains closed, with the lights off, and wearing suits of armor and oven gloves along with a blindfold just in case they ever 'sinfully' touch. The music they dance to is the sound of their humming. Of course, the woman should not hum louder than the man, because we all know the screeching voice of a harpy sperm receptacle causes God to turn down his hearing aid and bang on the celestial ceiling with his walking stick.
"Gosh darn sinners! Be quiet!"
Listen, no one "causes" me to lust.
I'm quite capable of achieving that on my own, thank you.
Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin.
No, that would be the mini skirt.
Along with these swingy types of music came dancing, one of the biggest sins of all.
What do you people have against dancing? Dancing has been around for centuries. Didn't the chidren of Isreal dance when they were being led out of Egypt in the bible?
Also, what about this:
Jeremiah 31:4
I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt, O Virgin Israel. Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful.
And what about men who lust after women in skirts, or dresses? Hmmm? I'm sure there are guys out there with burqua fetishes, too. And then there's guys who just don't give a rat's ass WHAT she's wearing.
And you know what these guys all have in common? They are the ones doing the lusting. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS!
I'm an 18 year old virgin who spends her Friday nights studying. I do not own a single skirt. I wear pants because they are comfortable, efficient, and they keep my legs warm.
Why do men wear pants? You fucktard.
He he, I knew three words in that it was our friend Davey. You are getting a bit predictable, dearie.
What about cotillions, balls? They were around long before the 1920's, and was seen as innocent fun, a way to get to know people of the other sex in a supervised and controlled way.
My hubby thinks skirts are more sexy than trousers.
Most men can control their urges; they can look on a woman in a sexy skirt or in a tight pair of trousers, without their lusts flaring up.
It's the nature of teenagers to want to have sex, coupled with a lack of education in contraceptives, that has caused "tens-of-millions of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, and 48 000 000 abortions in America".
Why the distinction between the US and America in that sentence, by the way?
"They call me V
"Personally, I find skirts secksier (got no problem with saying sexy, it's just more fun with teh secks) than pants, regardless of lenght. With that said, pants can look damn good too, depending on fit, etc."
The ultimate turn-on for me: A hot woman (say, late 20s-early 30s) in a perfectly tailored suit jacket with shoulder pads; silk blouse, figure-enhancing knee-length pencil skirt, with seamed stockings & high stiletto heels.
...ermmmmmm, just a sec, something's come up. BRB...!
Then, not only in honor of the hottest band in the world, but also to piss you off, LET'S ROCK 'N ROLL ALL NITE AND PARTY EVERY DAY!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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