Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: Dementia care advice for transgender patients drawn up - BBC News

( Earthmoon )
The final part of the article is only bit that makes any attempt to say what this care advice is, rather than why it’s necessary. They say repeatedly that patients may wake up confused over why they’re dressed strangely or missing their body parts, but then say that patients will be helped to continue presenting the way they wanted to.

This sounds a lot like they’re going to have trans dementia patients insisting they are their actual sex while the care assistants continue to push their trans identity on them because that’s what they wanted when they were “lucid”.

How would that help in any way? It props up the trans facade at the expense of distressing the patients who don’t understand what happened to them.

( pennygadget )

This sounds a lot like they’re going to have trans dementia patients insisting they are their actual sex while the care assistants continue to push their trans identity on them because that’s what they wanted when they were “lucid”.

So, basically, a child as young as 2 can consent to changing their legal gender. But an 80 year old male with dementia who wants his nurse to call him "John" instead of "Jessica" is told to shut up and wear his dress.

This makes me so sad. Life in a nursing home with diminished mental faculties is hard enough. But now these people will be forced to endure extra stress and confusion when they decide they want to be their birth sex and the TRA nurses tell them "no". This is cruelty! If a "trans-woman" patient regresses into childhood and wants to wear trousers and be called "John", what's the problem with just letting him do it? I don't get it!

( real_feminist )
The ones with sissification fetishes would be thrilled at the idea of their older selves being tortured like this.

( Carrots90 )
Watch for the ‘I id as demented’ men flooding the nursing homes for their sissification fetish.

They will be able to house them with the diaper fetish guys

( bumpyjerboa )
Oh yikes. You're probably right and it goes to show how absolutely sick they are.

( Julie92845 )
It won't help the patients at all, but they don't care about that. It's all about showing how supportive they are to the trans agenda.



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