Pliggy #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "Religious Religion", in 2008]

There is a reason the FLDS have the most bitter apostates of all other religions. The reason is simple; it is the very most religious[…]Everything about life in the FLDS is part of the religious faith, starting with how life begins and families are formed, to daily habits and interactions, to everything even beyond death. The greater the importance anything is in life, the greater faith and religiously strict it is

But when faith disappears, and is replaced by fear and justification for disobedience to the faith, it is like a light switch being turned off, everything sacred becomes everything hated. We are each light bulbs, and when someone explains most everything as dark, it is pretty obvious that the light bulb of faith is off

Most people are rather indifferent about how other groups of people believe and live. Even though they do have prejudices against them[…]they usually don’t become crusaders without the help of information and leadership from ex members who paint everything possible with the dark colors of bitterness. The worse they make it look, the more support and celebrity they get, and the less likely anyone asks for a second opinion[…]
The apostates and their cult following call them: “forced assigned marriage”, “brainwashed sex slaves”, and “abusive Nazi dictator controlling their lives through fear”. The devil himself couldn’t twist the religion worse, and yet that is not the worst. They include “racial hatred”, and “blood atonement” as some central theme for the FLDS against those who apostatize. Only filthy and murderous hearts would spread such things[…]
It is because of me and my love, and the love others have for these wonderful doctrines and great men, that the apostates and their followers, with the media and government officials who love their dark hearted stories, hate the FLDS; most especially the leader. And it doesn't matter what his name is



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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