TheNightPorter #racist

your people [the Jews] created, run and dominate the porn industry.


Hell, I might actually be a little angry about it — if I weren’t so fond of sandbag-breasted Jewesses and all the carnal delights that they offer in their very self-loathing and eagerness to be dominated and used. (Not that this necessarily includes you—) For one thing, I personally hold your brethren responsible for the acceptance of mudsharking in today’s society — blacks-on-blondes porn is as common as facials in today’s “adult entertainment” industry. And a cynical person might say that such a thing is a calculated part of the Jew’s determination to bring down the white race via blood-mixing and liberal guilt, etc etc.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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