
MajikFireHornet #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger seductivejewess.com

Sacheen Bigbeaver - escuse me, “Littlefeather” - a (supposed) “American Indian activist” stormed the stage at the 1973 Academy Awards ceremony and delivered a Marxist harangue on the indignities suffered by “American” Indians over the past few centuries. There are, of course no such things as “native American Indians”, since America as such did not exist until White settlers created it by subduing a chaos of savage, Asiatic tribes. All this aside, Sharon Sarah’s transparent alias - simply a literal translation of her German-Jewish real name – was shortly thereafter revealed (ditto her career as an active prostitute), and the whole farce unraveled. Collectively, this was simply another Jewish attempt to co-opt and control yettanother group entitlement (blacks, latinos, government employees, feministas, homosexuals, etc.) and subordinate it to Jewish, zionist-socialist purposes.

Elysian Fields and MajikFireHornet #racist seductivejewess.com

Elysian Fields: I’m curious why Jewesses, the young ones in particular, have such a predilection (or need?) for sodomy-driven climax. Do the older Chosen Ones of the female persuasion also require such assuaging of their guilt complexes? I can only imagine that it is indeed a psychological idiosyncrasy, but might also there be physical reasons? It may in fact be purely psychological; I’m simply uncertain. I would dearly love feedback from those (including the principal of this site) who have had physically intimate experiences with seductive Jewesses.

MajikFireHornet: Like all things originally psychological (Jewguilt craves punishment), I suspect that, over the generations, a degree of genetic fixation occurs as well. Mailer, in “The Time of Her Time”, nails it way better than I do.

TheNightPorter #racist seductivejewess.com

your people [the Jews] created, run and dominate the porn industry.


Hell, I might actually be a little angry about it — if I weren’t so fond of sandbag-breasted Jewesses and all the carnal delights that they offer in their very self-loathing and eagerness to be dominated and used. (Not that this necessarily includes you—) For one thing, I personally hold your brethren responsible for the acceptance of mudsharking in today’s society — blacks-on-blondes porn is as common as facials in today’s “adult entertainment” industry. And a cynical person might say that such a thing is a calculated part of the Jew’s determination to bring down the white race via blood-mixing and liberal guilt, etc etc.

Observer #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger seductivejewess.com

Ahh, now it all makes sense!

This is the reason why the Jewish controlled media promotes big breasts - because it is a Jewish trait. But of course, they could never admit the real reason why they promote big breasts, so they reverse engineered a fake excuse that big breasts were supposed to be a sign of being able to breast feed loads of children at the same time, or whatever lies they come up with.

Now we know the real reason. The reason why the Jewish controlled media promotes big breasts is because big breasts are a Jewish trait. It’s the Jews rigging the rules of the game in their favor again.

Millions of gentile women have been brainwashed into getting breast implants, just so they can have oversized, back strain inducing, saggy, Jewish looking breasts.

The Jews are brainwashing us all into acting and looking like Jews. It’s like a big giant long drawn out conversion process.

No wonder the Jews hold all the top positions in society – because they have been rigging society to favor Jewish traits.

1uvaKind #fundie seductivejewess.com

You’ll be pleased to find out that your Aryan bloodline is actually Israelite. Yep, a Trojan line of kings conquered ALL of Europe long before the Romans ever existed. Who were those kings? The offspring of Tros, the great-great-grandson of Judah, the same Tros who founded Troy. And those Spartans? In 1 Maccabees, the king of Lacedemonia (Sparta) writes to Jerusalem granting trade priveleges because they had found in writing that the Spartans and the Jews were related by blood.
That’s right, the Greeks were actially JEWS. Then when the 10 tribes of Israel passed through Europe on their way northward, they also MISCEGENATED with the already half-breed Aryan people there. Anglo-Saxons? Angels-Sons of Isaac! The English Union Jack? Union de Jacques — Union of Jacob! Denmark? Mark of Dan! Same goes with the Dan-ube River! Ireland? Tuatha de Danaan — Tribe of Dan! You can’t escape it, you bigoted ignoramus! You hate yourself, because in all your Aryan arrogance, YOU ARE JEWISH! The Jews you despise are actually the mutant offspring of pure blooded mixed with Babylonians. They’re the ones who stayed behind in Babylon when Cyrus the Great freed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. It was a perfect match made in hell — the financially minded children of Judah, who convinced his brothers to sell Joseph instead of killing him; intermarrying with the Babylonians, the greatest merchants in the world. The result was a literal facial feature change, distinguishing the mutant Jews from the often blond-haired, blue-eyed pureblood Judahites. Of course, the women became the most beautiful, sexually overt women of the world because of the genetic superiority of the Judahites, mixed with Babylonians, creating women who were literally bred to be pleasure machines. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about things, because the Judahite Jesus Christ will set everything right when He returns. Just have a little faith.

MajikFireHornet #racist seductivejewess.com

Having legalized abortion, miscegnation, and faggotry, I suspect that organized Jewry’s next target – after legalizing pedophilia – will be the incest taboo. Last to be legalized will be bestiality, i.e. human-animal sex. When the Jew rules, Satan rules.

MajikFireHornet #racist #conspiracy seductivejewess.com

[Is there anything the average person can do to stop this takeover?]

First, get clear of the banking system. Keep only enough banked to pay short-term bills; for the rest, use cash NOT CREDIT and get any surplus you have into a negotiable metal like silver that you PHYSICALLY POSSESS. Second, since the Jews and their stooges have turned America’s economy into a top-down, debt-financed, bankster-monitized Ponzi scheme, prepare for System Collapse by stockpiling food, water, and other necessities. Third, since System Collapse will lead to Martial Law (cf. the trial run that the Regime just carried out in Boston) and urban-rural, Left-Right, and racial Civil War, WEAPON UP. I recommend the M1a (an AR is also fine) + a good sidearm, and also stockpile ammunition for your weapons of choice. Then hit the shooting range, learn to shoot accurately, and network with like-minded Patriots. Fourth, further educate yourself at relevant sites.

MajikFireHornet #conspiracy seductivejewess.com

“Christianity” was/is a Jewish plot concocted by Paul of Tarsus, aimed at bringing the Goyim under the Universal Kosher Dominion. It got out of control for 1,500 years or so – assorted “gettos” and “holocausts” – but is now firmly back in line—cf. “Christian-Zionists” and all the other post-1945 Jew-loving Catholic-Protestant cultism.

MajikFireHornet #conspiracy seductivejewess.com

the corporate-globalists (Jew Banksters, Rockefeller Fdn, et al) are infusing the entire human food chain with estrogens—apparently operating on the theory that a feminized humanity will be easier to enslave than MANkind; the evidence is certainly all around: as U say, the chix keep getting sexier and more assertive, while men get wussy & metrosexualized.

MajikFireHornet #racist seductivejewess.com

Jewish iconoclasm is a COLLECTIVE tendency evident across 3,500 years of history. Jews and Jewesses are drawn to radical change-inducing behavior like moths to a flame. And I suspect organized Jewry will proceed as usual until it attains total power (via the current mask of Jewish universalism, globalization) or is totally destroyed.