David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Twice in recent weeks, I have been in the presence of transvestites. One of my nurses at the hospital, after my gallbladder removal surgery, was a transvestite (a cross-dressing effeminate man). And then a week after my surgery, my doctor said I could eat normal, so I stopped into Wendy's for a double-cheeseburger. The cashier was a tall transvestite. It was creepy! I do not judge others. I am never unkind to anyone, but my heart cringes with disgust when I'm in the presence of queers. They need God, but don't want him (Romans 1:28). Whenever I have been in the presence of homosexuals, they hated me without cause merely because I am a Christian. If you even mention God, and love the Lord, homosexuals will despise you. Homosexuality is a horrible sin, the bottom of the barrel of a culture, as low morally as a society can go. The Bible tells the truth of the matter in Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”

We are living in ungodly times. I believe that we are now in the end times prophesied of in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 of “perilous times” (hard, difficult, to endure) that would come in the last days. Certainly, to be a God-fearing Christian in an openly wicked homosexual society is very difficult to cope with. Increasingly, Christians are being demonized along with organized religion. This anti-Christian sentiment by Hollywood and the liberal media has sparked much hatred in youth today toward Christianity.

Case in point, a crazed Oregon community college student open-fired a couple days ago on his peers, murdering a dozen college students, specifically targeting Christians. Witnesses says that the gunman asked each victim “Are you a Christian?,” and then killed them if they responded, “Yes.” The daily news is filled with much insanity, police brutality, blatant government crimes, family violence and things which are difficult to receive. The news has become so bizarre that each day seems like another episode of “The Twilight Zone” by Rod Serling. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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