Various Commenters #racist
RE: South Africa: Hatred of Migrants Reaches New Heights
(Eldridge Davis)
The movement Put South Africa First is seen as a cause for alarm by human rights defenders and foreign nationals, especially after it mobilized dozens of people for a march to the Nigerian and Zimbabwean embassies in Pretoria last week. The protesters demanded that undocumented immigrants, or those involved in criminal activities, leave South Africa.
Hahahaha lol. Dindu's want dindu's to be deported back to their own crapholes lol. The irony. I wonder if this makes them wayciss? Nahhhh!
(America first)
Our constitution should also be amended because our constitution is a problem,” he said, insisting that a constitution should be valid for South Africans only.” But wait! To have a country’s constitution apply only to its citizens is xenophobic!
(Jason Lewis)
White Farmers = No problem there
Migrants = We need this to stop
So the blacks in SA are tired of all those white people crossing the border illegally in order to take advantage of the haven that blacks have created?
(Son of the 1st Revolution)
Must be all those darned racist whites still in charge who are trying to keep them out.