Wanda Dailey #fundie quora.com
The Bible has no contradiction. People believe in it according to what their secular-religion dictates, not realizing religion comes from mankind & not from our CREATOR-GOD. Mankind and their secular-religions believe that just because they're educated & can read & comprehend, this means they can easily understand The Holy Bible.They cannot! And, they prove this to themselves by the fact, there is but ONE Holy Bible, & ONE God & ONE Way to worship Him, according to His Word, but there's some 4,600 religions instead!!??? This tells us there's some 4,600 MISINTERPRETATIONS!!! ONE little book & so many religions - - there shouldn't be any religions, but only God's Christianity that comes from Him straight out of His Word. The confusion comes because, not all, but many secular-religions claim to be Christian, but are NOT, so folks think there's just different ways to God - - NO THERE'S NOT! Because He said it in His Word, there is ONLY ONE VERY SPECIFIC WAY TO GOD! ONE Way to be Saved from our sins & reconciled to our Father-God. If we miss this ONE WAY, we're doomed!