What is in a name? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

So, once and for all, what is the people reading my mind thing all about?

Is it really part of some "targeted individual" phenomena that seems to be expanding within recent times, or is it something far less nefarious like becoming aware of the way our thoughts affect each other and our environment?

It just seems awfully negative most of the time as they are reacting to and commenting on my thoughts in a mostly chiding and negative manner. Especially when they speak on past memories of mine with an otherworldly depth, as if they were present during the scenario.

People around me are constantly doing a particular "cough", it has a certain jarring frequency to it that is different from a normal cough, or may it is that That is what coughing is for the most part.

It just seems as though many people around me are attempting to make some sort of game out of my life and mental health.

People around me are also constantly trying to play on any insecurities that I have. Sometimes they get very close to me and say these things under their breath as they walk by. It's clearly audible, I watch them say it- this is not some imagined telepathic attack or something.
They are constantly attacking my character/me.

A highlight of this was at my last job. Several of my coworkers would say, "Quit" or "Why don't you just quit?" and namecall or say some cryptic codified thing constantly as they passed me during my shift. They always said it under their breath and didn't make eye contact, unless they were talking with eachother and purposefully raising their voiced so I could hear them.

Even the manager was in on the mental games. I remember being so fed up with their game that one day I just started yelling at everyone mentally and loudly. Suddenly the manager started talking to a coworker about how he wishes people would stop yelling in his restaurant, there was barely anyone there the store had just opened and was quiet. There were plenty of other things.

I have noticed that when I'm out running that some of the people on the sidewalks start verbally attacking me, even when I speed up it's like they project their voices into my ear.

Whenever I prayed to god in my head, they recoiled and showed outward disgust or fear.

There have just been so many instances and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to handle everything for much longer. I don't know if people experiencing this live into old age.

I'm only stating this here because I know there are others who have experienced similar things and realize that I'm not being dramatic and that I'm not doing anything to provoke their behavior besides existing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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