To all you elitist urbanites.
Surrender to the constitution as it stands. Do so for the children.
You will die. You won't eat. Your sustenance comes from enemy territory. The food and drink (even water) is grown, gathered, raised and slaughtered out in flyover land. It's driven to you from, by truck drivers who come from here where our real interests lie.
The street gangs will becom militias and their leaders will be the warlords. The police you have insulted, belittled, vilified until their rules of engagement make for the forfeiture or their lives, may or may not help you. What's in it for them at this point?
The politicians will be protected for as long as they can hold loyal bodyguards. Celebrities may fare better. Eventually they'll align with the gangbanger warlords.
Minneapolis, Chicago, St.Louis, Miami and New York City will become the kind dystopian wastes seen in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Our terms are easy. Surrender to the constitution. Never more seek one size only solutions to local issues nationwide. Do it for the children. Develop ethics before preaching them. Let no minion of Satan convince you life is supposed to be fair.
We have guns. Sometimes they're scary looking. You won't know who has them but you must have the common sense to see it as the good thing it is. Come to terms and surrender to the nation you live in.