"You who belive in Darwin can you prove we came from apes?"
We did not "come from" apes, we are apes you imbecile.
"What proff do you have?"
I have no "proff." I have no proof either. I can point you to mountains of evidence though.
"Can a tornado after picking up debliss spit out a brand new car?"
I don't know. I suppose it could if "debliss" is the name of an auto dealer.
"No it cannot."
Oh. Ok then.
"Nethier does anything in life coincidentally happen."
Things happen accidentally all the time in life. Now, if you're talking about the universe on some sort of fundamental level then I'd agree. Nothing is "accidental" nor "random" (except for perhaps on a quantum level). Everything happens because of well understood laws which govern the universe and the interactions of matter within it.
"We and nature where all created."
Created by naturally occurring properties of the universe.
"He fringer prints are everywhere."
Yes, yes. Of course. Everywhere. Except where people actually look for, and would expect to find, evidence of the existence of your deity.
"Evolution is a lie and it cannot be proven that we came from apes."
We are apes you moron.
"It takes more faith to belive in evolution than it does in a Creator."
Evolution has evidence. Creator gods do not.
"Open up your minds."
I have one. Having an open mind, however, does not mean you accept anything and everything as true no matter how silly it may seem.
"God created science, not man."
Oh, good. Then you have evidence to show that's the case?