Dustin Ranem #fundie reconstructionistradio.com

As a Theonomist that is also a Christian Reconstructionist, I often see that Christian Reconstructionism is also misrepresented, as if we want to impose tyrannical rule over the nations devoid of the gospel. A reason for this is that often in these discussions an important part of the equation is left out: our eschatological views. I hold that consistent Postmillennialism leads to Christian Reconstruction, and vice versa, because God’s law-word is the only holy, righteous, and just standard by which God has instructed His image bearers to live. This is always instituted through the gospel. Our weapons are not carnal. This is why most of us theonomists are postmil, because we believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit more and more men and women will be regenerated as time goes on. It could happen in 100 years or 10,000 years. It doesn’t matter because we have been commissioned by our King who reigns now and is putting all of His enemies under His feet until the last enemy is defeated. All this because of the numerous promises in Scripture that He shall have Dominion. It is our job to be ambassadors, light and salt to the world, teaching the nations to obey all that He has commanded, which one of those commands is to repent and believe the gospel.

A Few Things to Consider
- If a man can be regenerated and in turn families restored and churches revived through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, why
can’t the state and every area of life be transformed?
- Are not the state and all areas of life made up of men and women?
- The gospel changes the hearts and minds of men and women and they in turn are called to be light and salt.
- When light enters darkness it swallows up the darkness. Only when light is covered or hidden does darkness prevail.

Let your light shine to the glory of God!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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