I don't know much about American football, so I don't know the average yard-throwing. If 316 is within the average span, I'd say it's 316 to one. But, as you searched for a connection in hindsight, I'd say it's 1 to 1. (I don't know that much about European football either, so it's not a cultural thing, I'm just not interested in sports.)
According to a lot of Internet sites, John 3:16 is one of the most widely quoted verses from the Christian Bible. Well, it's interesting that he didn't take the time to find his own heart-felt Bible quote, but took the first one in the Google list, or something.
I agree with others here; the day we wake up to find that cancer and AIDS have been eradicated and every child has had a hearty breakfast, then we can discuss evidence for God.
Edit. In contrast to fundie dolt, who seem to relish in their ignorance, I tried to find information about average thrown yards, and now I'm even more confused. Is that an added figure? The field is 120 yards, according to Wikipedia, and I see no reason to throw the ball 196 yards beyond the field. Then it must be a sum of several throws, and Tim could have adapted his last throw to match the figure 316, I guess. Besides, it's John 3:16. not John 316. It would have been closer to that verse if it was 3 yards and 1 nail (apparently a sixteenth of a yard). But, I think even I can throw the ball 3 yards, 1 nail...