johnheno #fundie
For many people, the issue of our time is not "is it science", but rather to what extent the scientific world lives in a surreal of of its own making, far removed from reality. A surreal worldview that largely functions on unproven "blind faith" metaphysical religious assumptions, beyond the verifiable limits of science and physics. Namely, the hard-core atheism of "philosophical" naturalism and raw materialism: Based on the unproven and unverifiable "blind faith" delusion that "all reality" can, and must, be explained solely by natural processes and causes alone. There is a name for this surreal "closed mind" metaphysical religious view. It's called "Scientism", masquerading as science. This illusion is based on the the grand delusion that "finite" humanity, with limited knowledge, insight and understanding can define the ultimate nature of ultimate reality. The insane quest for the godless "theory of everything" turns out to be the theory of nothing. Science still has no "verifiable" naturalistic scientific answer for anything in existence, including the origin of the universe, life, consciousness. and all else. The utter absurdity of finite humanity actually believing they can define the infinite. None-the-less, the scientific world tells us that all these "vastly improbable" events just occurred, even though there is still no "verifiable" scientific answer" for anything in existence, including the the universe itself.
We have a name for "vastly improbable" events for which "no known scientific answer" exists. They are called "miracles". The problem is that all these 'natural' miracles of mainstream supposedly happened without self-existing self creating cause or miracle worker anywhere to be found in the universe. In which case all theists and creationists would have to concede that this is "really miraculous".
The mainstream science mindset becomes even more irrational and absurd. We have "effects" that are not only far greater than the cause, but "opposite" to the cause. We have life from non-life. mind from non-mind, consciousness from non-consciousness, intelligence from non-intelligence, reason from non-reason, conscience from no conscience, and personal humans from "impersonal atoms and molecules in motion". The situation has become so bazaar that any mention of God or a creator produces an irrational mental meltdown by Science journal's such as PLOS ONE. Little wonder the future belongs to the creationist minded scientists. The vast majority of people instinctively know that an an "intelligent effect" such as universe ALWAYS demands and "intelligent cause". And that a finely tuned, precisely balanced cosmos and our life rich terrestrial planet cannot be explained by “undirected” or unguided chance events. Nor can the highly complex matrix of coordinated ecosystems and fully integrated interdependent and interconnected living and environmental systems.