Mothers Grim #transphobia
“Mom, I am transgender,” came to me when my daughter was a so-called adult and on a college campus. Never mind that flowing prom gown, college acceptance letters, acing exams, and cute dorm accessories had been her recent past obsessions. Now she was an adult. Now she was trans. Period. And then she disappeared for years.
While a horribly evil agenda had been unleashed on one of my own, believe it or not, I was somewhat lucky. I was somehow spared this evil in my own home. I would soon meet mothers of teenagers who were suddenly trans. These children sometimes also became suddenly gone. And then suddenly on drugs – and suddenly mutilated. I would meet parents whose ‘better’ halves were accomplices to these sudden crimes against their own children. I would hear stories of high school staff aiding and abetting these crimes against the children they were there to protect. And worse…