
Georgia GOP Chair Kandiss Taylor #fundie #conspiracy rollingstone.com

KANDISS TAYLOR, A recently elected GOP District Chair in Georgia, would like to know why Big Globe won’t stop shoving round-Earth propaganda down our throats.

In an interview with David Weiss (AKA “Flat Earth Dave”) and Matt Long on her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” podcast, Taylor and her guests discussed biblical “evidence” that the Earth is actually flat as a pancake. “The people that defend the globe don’t know anything about the globe,” said Weiss. “If they knew a tenth of what Matt and I know about the globe they would be Flat Earthers.”

“All the globes, everywhere” Taylor said later in the discussion. “I turn on the TV, there’s globes in the background … Everywhere there’s globes. You see them all the time, it’s constant. My children will be like ‘Mama, globe, globe, globe, globe’ — they’re everywhere.”

“That’s what they do, to brainwash,” she added. “For me if it’s not a conspiracy. If it is real, why are you pushing so hard everywhere I go? Every store, you buy a globe, there’s globes everywhere. Every movie, every TV show, news media — why? More and more I’m like, it doesn’t make sense.”

Megyn Kelly #conspiracy #enbyphobia #wingnut seibertron.com

Transformers are Fox News' Megyn Kelly's Latest Outrage Target

While the Transformers Earthspark show has been around for months, Megyn Kelly, of Fox News fame, only learnt now that the show includes the non-binary character Nightshade. She doesn't watch the show but commented on a clip featuring Nightshade discussing their pronouns with a human, calling it "disgusting". The reason this is being brought up here is because with Transformers being a franchise from the 80s, it rarely gets discussed in the older demographic (60 and up) and now Megyn has raised the show's awareness to them, who follow her, spreading outrage. This is just the latest outrage she is sharing with her base, the previous one being earlier in the week when regarding the US army employing a drag queen for recruitment purposes (even though the army has a long history of drag).

Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski #elitist #mammon #fundie #conspiracy crooksandliars.com

Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski is going viral, and he has some explaining to do. According to Sen. FuckMuppet, his state should not pass a bill to provide free school breakfast and lunch to children because he's never met any poors.

"I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry," Drazkowski said before voting on the legislation. "I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don't have access to enough food to eat."

"Now, I should say that hunger is a relative term," added Drazkowski. "I had a cereal bar for breakfast. I guess I'm hungry now."

Ohhhhh. Well, there is poverty in Minnesota, and he should know that. It's not hard to Google. Or he could get in his car and drive around to see for himself.

Drazkowski called the bill "pure socialism," adding, "This is about the government dictating to kids what they're going to eat and how much they're going to eat."

Christopher Key #quack #crackpot #conspiracy thedailybeast.com

Anti-COVID-19 “Vaccine Police” leader Christopher Key has a new quarter-baked conspiracy theory for his anti-vax followers to use to cure themselves of COVID-19: Drink their own urine. “The antidote that we have seen now, and we have tons and tons of research, is urine therapy. OK, and I know to a lot of you this sounds crazy, but guys, God’s given us everything we need,” Key said in a video posted over the weekend on his Telegram account after being released from jail over a trespassing charge. “This has been around for centuries,” he added. “When I tell you this, please take it with a grain of salt,” the anti-vaccine advocate warned while saying people might now think he is “cray cray.” “Now drink urine!” he continued. “This vaccine is the worst bioweapon I have ever seen,” he concluded. “I drink my own urine!” Reached for comment by The Daily Beast on Sunday night, Key doubled down on what he calls “urine therapy” and railed against “foolish” people who took the COVID-19 vaccine, which is safe and effective.

Dave Ramsey #elitist #fundie #mammon thewrap.com

Dave Ramsey, personal finance radio host and outspoken evangelical Christian, was the target of social media criticism Saturday, as outraged individuals slammed him for saying that if tenants at his residential properties are displaced because he raised rental rates to meet market price, it does not make him “a bad Christian.”

Ramsey, who hosts the nationally syndicated three-hour radio program and podcast “The Ramsey Show,” is once again the center of controversy, this time for these words about tenants forced from buildings that he owns because of rent increases:

“The ratio of the income that they earned to their housing expense displaced them,” Ramsey said on the air. “I didn’t cause any of that. And so you are not displacing them, you’re taking too much credit for what’s going on. If they need to move to a cheaper house, because they can’t afford they’re gonna move to a lesser house because if they move they’re gonna pay market rent. Okay, I own rental property, single family homes, among many other properties that we own. And if I raised my rent to be market rate that does not make me a bad Christian. I did not displace the person out of that house if they can no longer afford it.”

Dave Bateman #conspiracy #mammon #racist #wingnut rawstory.com

Major Utah GOP donor says 'the Jews' are using COVID-19 vaccines to 'euthanize the American people'

On Tuesday, Deseret News reported that Dave Bateman, the cofounder of tech company Entrata and a major financial backer of the Republican Party, mass-emailed several tech executives and elected officials claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are a Jewish plot to depopulate the world.

“I write this email knowing that many of you will think I’m crazy after reading it,” wrote Bateman. “I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It’s obvious now. It’s undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgement and dismissing their intuition. I believe the Jews are behind this.”

Bateman didn't stop there, expounding on his ideas of how the Pope is a Jewish agent and there is a Jewish plot to create a one world government.

“For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top,” Bateman continued. “It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule. I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason.”

Candace Owens #crackpot #quack #wingnut dailykos.com

The notoriously ignorant right-winger and anti-vaxxer Candance Owens went from denying the validity of vaccines to encouraging her 4.1 million followers on Instagram to follow her regimen of using colloidal silver as a daily supplement.

“Yes, colloidal silver!” Owens says enthusiastically in her latest Instagram video. “I take colloidal silver every single day, I love colloidal silver. That is a great one. That is another one that people probably know nothing about.”

And just in case you’re interested in staving off illness with colloidal silver, the Mayo Clinic clearly says the stuff isn’t safe or effective for anything basically. “Silver has no known purpose in the body. It's not an essential mineral.”

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center reports side effects of using colloidal silver that include: seizures, skin burns, near renal failure, hospitalization, neuropathy, acute myeloid leukemia, and death.

Tory MP Nick Fletcher #sexist #conspiracy crooksandliars.com

A British member of Parliament claimed this week that men are being forced into committing crimes because fictional male characters like James Bond and Doctor Who are being replaced by women.

During prepared remarks on Thursday, Tory MP Nick Fletcher made the assertion that "men need to have their own identity."

"Everywhere, not least during the cultural sphere, there seems to be a call from a tiny yet very vocal minority that every male character or good role model must have a female replacement," he complained. "One only needs to look at the discussions surrounding the next James Bond."

"And it's not just James Bond," the MP continued. "In recent years, we have seen Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Luke Skywalker, the Equalizer all replaced by women."

Fletcher went on to insist that most male role models are now villains.

"Is there any wonder we are seeing so many young men committing crime?" he asked. "These programs make crime look cool. Trust me, a lifetime in prison is not cool."

Actress Jodie Whittaker made history in 2017 as the first woman to play the iconic Doctor Who character.

Sharon and David Gilbert #conspiracy #fundie #ufo crooksandliars.com

Appearing on the Jim Bakker show, End Times preacher Sharon Gilbert says that an alien imitated her husband, tried to have sex with her, then it claimed to be Xerxes, she invoked Jesus, and then the alien revealed itself as a reptile with a gang of gargoyles.

Her husband, Derek P. Gilbert, hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program, and co-hosts weekly video programs SciFriday and Unraveling Revelation with his wife, according to Amazon.

Coincidentally, he's also the co-author with his wife of 'Giants, Gods & Dragons,' a new take on End Times prophecy that puts names to the entities called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and ‘Veneration,’ a book on ancient ancestor cults that reveals hidden prophecies of the return of the evil dead at Armageddon. Derek has also co-authored ‘The Day the Earth Stands Still’ with Josh Peck, which documents the occult origins of “ancient aliens.”

Louie Gohmert (Q-Tx) #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut thehill.com

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on Tuesday asked a representative from the U.S. Forest Service if it was possible to alter the orbit of the moon or the Earth as a way of combating climate change, though it was unclear if he was being serious.

Gohmert was speaking with Jennifer Eberlien, associate deputy chief of the National Forest System, during a House Natural Resources Committee hearing.

"I understand from what's been testified to the Forest Service and the BLM [Bureau of Land Management], you want very much to work on the issue of climate change," Gohmert said to Eberlien, adding that a past director of NASA had once told him that orbits of the moon and the Earth were changing.

"Is there anything that the National Forest Service, or BLM can do to change the course of the moon's orbit or the Earth's orbit around the sun?" Gohmert asked Eberlien. "Obviously they would have profound effects on our climate."

"I would have to follow up with you on that one, Mr. Gohmert," Eberlien responded.

"Well, if you figure out a way that you in the Forest Service can make that change, I'd like to know," Gohmert added.

Gohmert later responded to tweets about his question by noting BLM stands for the Bureau of Land Management.

As NASA explains in a blog post, Earth's orbit changes from being close to perfectly circular to being slightly more elliptical in a cycle that takes about 100,000 years. The orbit is currently around as close to being circular as it can be.

The angle at which the Earth tilts also shifts slightly or "wobbles" on its axis over the course of tens of thousands of years.

These changes are called Milanković cycles after Milutin Milanković, the Serbian astronomer who first hypothesized them.

These shifts affect Earth's climate in both the short-term and long-term, though they have a relatively minor impact on the planet's seasons and are not behind global warming, according to NASA.

Astronomers have long observed that the Earth's moon is slowly drifting away, moving about an inch away every year.

Ben Gibson (R-QAnon) #conspiracy #wingnut rawstory.com

Ben Gibson, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in November, was arrested in Louisiana this Wednesday and booked on four counts of child pornography, WGNO reports.

Gibson, who was an active Airman at Barksdale Air Force Base, was a challenger in a four-way race for the U.S. House Dist. 4 Congressional seat and lost to Rep. Mike Johnson, who won re-election. Jared Kutz, 30, of Bossier City was also arrested as a result of the investigation and charged with two counts of pornography.

As Media Matters pointed out in January, Gibson has endorsed the “QAnon” conspiracy theory, using its hashtag multiple times on his Facebook campaign page and other social media accounts. The QAnon cult believes that there’s an underground network of Satanic pedophiles who are being covertly pursued by President Trump.

Rush Limbaugh #conspiracy #wingnut mediaite.com

Far right radio personality Rush Limbaugh floated an absurd lie on his program on Friday, claiming Joe Biden’s live DNC acceptance speech the night before was so well-delivered and emotionally poignant because it was actually pre-taped and edited together for broadcast. That claim is totally baseless and easily refutable.

In fact, as this ABC News report confirms, there were roughly three-dozen reporters present—along with TV camera crews and Secret Service agents—at the Chase Center in downtown Wilmington, Del. to watch Biden give his speech in person.

Limbaugh tried to evade directly backing the ridiculous conspiracy theory by using a rhetorical trick commonly deployed by President Donald Trump, of the “people are saying…” variety.

“I have to tell you, let me just review, there are a lot of people I have come to find out who want to know if [Biden’s] speech was delivered live or was it pre-recorded,” Limbaugh began, notably without ever identifying the “people” making the scurrilous, absurd claims. “Now the assumption I think that everybody had going in was he was live because we didn’t hear anything else. And the time came for the speech to happen, the lights went down or came up whatever and here comes [Biden] and starts the speech. Some people are of the opinion that it had to be tape. And that it had to be taped in segments and the segments had to be edited together because plugs is not capable of 22 minutes even reading a prompter with no screw-ups, this is the prevailing theory.”

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Of Course) #racist #wingnut rawstory.com

Republican Rep. Devin Nunes (CA) on Sunday argued that Democrats who oppose racism are “against white people.”

During an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Nunes railed at Democrats for supporting former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

“I think the question is, does Mueller know where Mueller is?” Nunes said, suggesting that the former special counsel was not well informed about the Russia investigation.

“This was somebody who was put up as an avatar to give credibility to this investigation that was phony from the beginning,” the California Republican continued. “I’m not sure he knows what the hell is going on.”

Nunes added: “Look, the Democratic Party, it’s very odd for a party that seems to be against white people and always talking about racism, they sure like to prop up these avatar old white dudes. They have one running for president right now who’s hiding in his basement.”

Bartiromo declined to press Nunes about his assertion that Democrats are “against white people” and instead moved on to a question about the alleged “censorship” of conservatives on social media.

State Rep. Ben Carpenter (R-AK) #racist #conspiracy #wingnut sfgate.com

The uproar began when an Alaska lawmaker emailed all 39 of his statehouse colleagues to compare health screening stickers to the badges that singled out Jews during the Holocaust.

"If my sticker falls off, do I get a new one or do I get public shaming too?" Rep. Ben Carpenter, a Republican, wrote Friday, sharing his dismay at a new requirement for legislators returning to the Alaska Capitol amid the coronavirus pandemic. "Are the stickers available as a yellow Star of David?"

The backlash was swift: "Ben, this is disgusting," one Jewish representative wrote back in emails first posted by the Alaska Landmine. "I don't think a tag that we're cleared to enter the building is akin to being shipped to a concentration camp," responded another. The leader of the state House's Republican delegation said Carpenter should apologize.

"Can you or I - can we even say it is totally out of the realm of possibility that covid-19 patients will be rounded up and taken somewhere?" he said later in an interview with the Anchorage Daily News, arguing that officials are overreacting to the coronavirus with limits on people's liberty. "People want to say Hitler was a white supremacist. No. He was fearful of the Jewish nation, and that drove him into some unfathomable atrocities."

Rush Limbaugh #wingnut #racist #mammon #conspiracy mediamatters.org

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): Jonathan Karl yesterday brought in a China-sympathetic reporter to that press briefing. That China reporter in there from Phoenix TV — that’s a Chinese-dominated company — Jonathan Karl of ABC, he runs the White House Correspondents’ Association, so he brought the reporter in there. And I don’t know if anybody noticed it, but little Doctor — Dr. Fauci, at the end of the briefing, gave Karl a-thumbs up, like a “job well done” kind of thing.

It's just, it's just — you know we've got all of these Hillary Clinton sympathizers still in the medical expert team here. And we know that one thing has not changed, and that is these people’s desire, above everything else, to get rid of Donald Trump.

Can you believe these people don’t care about the economy being shut down? It is stunning to me. People are being ruined. I talked to a number of friends of mine. These are people that own their own business. A guy, a good friend of mine in South Carolina, told me he’s losing a million dollars a day. Another friend’s business is totally shut down, he’s ruined. And there’s no end in sight to this.

And now we’re talking about another task force to discuss how to reopen? We are Capitalism 101. What do we need a task force to talk about how to reopen an economy? We are — or were — the world’s number-one economy. A task force?

Look — no, no, no, — I understand that there may be some need to keep the elderly and the susceptible at home and let the young and healthy out, let them go back to work. But a task force is just another bureaucracy. Look, I’m for anything that will get all of this back up and running as soon as possible. But I just don’t get the impression that there are very many people that we see on TV from Washington every day, besides the president, who are focused on this. Do you?

Now, I understand — look, I understand this virus is a deadly thing. I understand it’s very serious. I understand all of that, please do not get confused here. But motivation is a key element to anything. Desire is a key element to accomplishment. It always has been. And we keep hearing, “No, we've got to maintain this shutdown. In fact, we need to even intensify the shutdown. We need to keep people staying at home.”


I'm just telling you that there is an all-out subtle effort for the status quo because it's going to hurt Donald Trump. That is the objective. That is the only thing at the forefront of some of these people's minds while they portray themselves as being primarily concerned with public health.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut crooksandliars.com

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) suggested on Sunday the coronavirus, which has killed over 1,000 Chinese citizens, is a biological weapon developed by the Chinese military.

Cotton made the remarks on the Fox News program Sunday Morning Futures. The senator insisted that reports that the virus started in a Chinese food market were incorrect.

"This virus did not originate in the Wuhan animal market," Cotton said. "We don't know where it originated but we do know that we have to get to the bottom of that. We also know that just a few miles away from that food market is China's only biosafety level four super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases."

Cotton admitted that he has no evidence that the disease originated at the laboratory.

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo pointed out that Cotton has been criticized by Chinese officials for promoting idea that the virus could be "biological warfare."

"We have such laboratories ourselves in the United States, run by our military," Cotton explained. "The burden of proof is on the Chinese Communist Party... we do want to err on the side of caution."

Peter Morici & Steve Doocy #mammon #wingnut newshounds.us

Underneath Fox guest Peter Morici’s complaint that Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s tax plan unfairly taxes those with “only” $50 million was the suggestion that rich people deserve more.

Fox & Friends hosted economist Peter Morici this morning to provide what host Steve Doocy called “a reality check” on Warren’s plan for a wealth tax of two percent annually on assets worth above $50 million and a 3% tax on every dollar of net worth over $1 billion.

“Think about it this way,” Morici said. “Suppose you have assets of $50 million, so you meet her threshold. And then you earn this year another $50 million and you invest 25 [million] of it. On that 25, you’re gonna pay another 1% a year for the rest of your life.”

“So you if you’re a 30 year-old woman, you’re facing an 85% marginal tax rate on that wealth,” Morici continued. “And, by the way, she wants to couple this with a 70% income tax on these people. So in the end, they basically, if they make a buck, they’re gonna have to pay $1.20.”

Doocy worked to amp up the outrage: “Let me see if I get this straight. If you make a buck, you’re going to have to pay $1.20. So you just stop making money, you start paying the government, just hand over fist,” he said. But, apparently, this 30 year-old woman would be just fine with her $75 million.

I’m not an economist and my math skills are not good enough to check these calculations. But I am capable of seeing that along with the scare tactics was the message that the very wealthy are more deserving of their money.

“You see if anybody invests in America that way,” Morici warned, as if smaller investors don’t count.

“No, what you do is you get yourself on a Delta Airlines to London, you get yourself an apartment in Mayfair, and you basically move your money to Britain and you pay your taxes over there,” Morici said.

“I mean, why were American companies leaving for Ireland before Donald Trump became president? One of the things she doesn’t get is, people can get up and leave,” Morici continued. Again, as if the rest of us will far apart without the ultra rich.

Doocy briefly played devil’s advocate: “We’re not talking about just wealthy people,” he pointed out. “We’re talking about super-duper wealthy people who have assets of more than $50 million, right?”

Or maybe Doocy was just handing Morici an opening to argue that $50 million is just a smidge over upper middle class.

“Well, 50 million is big but it’s not as big as you think,” Morici declared. “You work for Fox News long enough and you’re 60 years old, you’ll be surprised how much money you have.”

Then Morici made his rich-people-deserve-ro-have-more pitch explicit:

MORICI: You have to remember, these are the people who finance our startups. These are the people that give us companies like Amazon and Apple, ‘cause they’re the ones with the seed capital. See, they behave like these people sort of clip coupons, they have bonds, and they hang out at the Doral with the president and, you know, that sort of thing. That’s just simply not true. They’re very active people that are investing their money.

Rather than point out that we had a great economy under President Dwight Eisenhower, when the income tax rate was 90% (on roughly $1.7 million for an individual and $3.4 million for a couple, in 2015 dollars), Doocy said “Sure.”

Doocy just happened to have a graphic ready showing the findings of two French economists who claim the 15 richest Americans would have seen their net wealth decline by “more than half, to $433.9 billion, had Warren’s plan been in place since 1982,” Doocy intoned ominiously.

Doocy forgot to mention they’d still have many billions.

Trump National Doral Miami Resort #wingnut dailykos.com

Donald Trump, who regularly incites violence against the media—the “enemy of the people”—and his political foes, must be so proud:

A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing and brutally assaulting members of the news media and his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times.

A couple of notable figures attending this fun-filled conference? Donald Trump Jr. and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Both denied having seen the video, with Huckabee Sanders claiming that she was just there to lead a prayer and talk about “unity and bringing the country together.” Uh huh.

In the video, Trump is shown shooting down media critics in the “Church of Fake News,” not to mention assaulting the late Sen. John McCain, President Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, and, of course, Hillary Clinton.

The clip ends with Mr. Trump putting a stake into the head of a person with a CNN logo for a face. Mr. Trump then stands on the altar, admiring his rampage, and smiles.

The Trump campaign and the organizers of the event both claim they had nothing to do with the video production of Donald Trump’s favorite wet dream.

Chris McDonald and Mark Taylor #conspiracy #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

On last night’s episode of his “The MC Files” program, radical conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald and his guest, fellow radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and so-called “firefighter prophet” Mark Taylor, agreed that Hurricane Dorian is a “false flag” created by the “deep state” supposedly in order to distract Americans from the fact that former FBI director James Comey and other high-level members of the Obama administration will all be going to prison.

McDonald insisted that it was not a coincidence that just as the news was focused on the fact that even though the Department of Justice had decided not to prosecute Comey for leaking memos chronicling his conversations with President Trump, the president and his associates were suggesting that Comey’s legal troubles were not over, when suddenly everyone turned their attention to the hurricane.

“When you get these stories and all of a sudden—boom—you’ve got an almost Category 6 storm,” McDonald said, “it does not take a genius to figure out it’s called a distraction and it’s called a false flag.”

“Absolutely, brother,” agreed Taylor. “These guys are going to be indicted, they are going to go to jail, they are going to go to prison so it’s coming, guys, we just have to be patient. But it’s not by coincidence that the hordes of chaos have been released because they know their time is short.”

“This is one of the most dangerous times right now for us,” Taylor added, “because this is war. That hurricane right there, that is a declaration of war against the people. What do the shootings and these hurricanes and all of these things that are being generated, what does it have to do [with]? It has to do with one thing in particular: the same thing Hitler did in London, England, during The Blitz. They are literally trying to kill the will of man.”

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council #fundie #wingnut crooksandliars.com

Tony Perkins, head of the conservative Family Research Council, on Sunday said that liberals were to blame for mass shootings because they have allegedly taken God out of the public square.

Perkins appeared on Fox & Friends where he was identified as a "former police officer."

According to Perkins, the shooting near Odessa, Texas that left five dead was "just tragic."

"At some point, we have to realize that we as a nation have a problem," he continued. "And the problem is not the absence of laws, it's an absence of morality."

According to Perkins, the "absence of morality" had been caused by a "decades-long march through the institutions of America, driving religion and God from the public square."

Perkins said he was "willing" to talk to liberals about ending the epidemic of mass shootings.

"I agree, praying alone is not enough," Perkins opined. "It's time to act. It's not just about having a conversation about restricting those who should not have guns, criminals. But it's also a discussion of a absence of a moral core in our culture today."

Perkins said that teaching children about evolution is one cause of mass shootings.

"We've taught our kids they come about through chance through primordial slime and then we're surprised they treat their fellow Americans like dirt!" he exclaimed. "It's time we talk about the result of the left's systematic march through our institutions, driving religious expression from the public square."

Perkins complained that children are not being taught that they are "created in the image of God."

"We've driving religion from our public life and we're shocked that we no longer have morality and we no longer value human life," he remarked.

Donald Trump #god-complex theweek.com

So that just happened.

Yes, President Trump, when asked about his ongoing trade war with China, deemed himself "the chosen one" when talking with reporters outside the White House on Wednesday. As Trump put it, when it comes to dealing with China's trade practices, "somebody had to do it." He then added "I am the chosen one" as he looked up to the sky.

The odd comment comes just after Trump compared himself to some kind of deity in a Wednesday morning tweet. He seemed to be watching Wayne Allyn Root's show on the conservative network Newsmax, and tweeted a quote from Root saying that "the Jewish people in Israel love [Trump] like he's the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God." And the day before, Trump accused "any Jewish people that votes for a Democrat" of having "either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty."

David Horowitz #racist #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

From the July 12 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

DAVID HOROWITZ (GUEST): And you know, I'm thinking of this ignorant attack by Colin Kaepernick and Nike on the Betsy Ross flag, which has --really goes with the creation of America. The creation of America was probably the greatest gift given to Black people in 3,000 years because slavery was considered a normal institution for all those years. Unfortunately, the people who hate America on the left, and this embraces so much of the Democratic Party these days, have conducted a 50-year, 60-year attack on Christianity in this country. They've driven prayer and religion out of the schools. You can't teach a public schoolchild that the pilgrims were Christians fleeing persecution. So Americans no longer know where their freedoms come from, and that's why -- well, the Democratic Party now is, you know, in a full scale march to eliminate a lot of the institutions that were there from the beginning -- like the Electoral College, they want to do away with the Senate, and so forth. That's because they don't understand where our freedoms come from or what their nature is.

Anonymous Avengers “Fan” #sexist #homophobia #racist npr.org

Brie Larson has vanished.

A star of Avengers: Endgame, one of the biggest movies of all time, was completely excised from a modified pirated version of the film — along with everything else in the film seen as feminist or gay.

An anonymous fan edited out shots, scenes and characters in a "defeminized" version circulating now on an illegal streaming site. As well as losing Larson's character, Captain Marvel, the defeminized edit is missing a scene where Hawkeye teaches his daughter to shoot. ("Young women should learn skills to become good wives and mothers and leave the fighting to men," the editor opined in an accompanying document.) The role of Black Panther is minimized. ("He's really not that important.") Spider-Man doesn't get rescued by women characters anymore. ("No need to.") And male characters no longer hug.

This particular defeminized edit is just the latest example of a trend, says Suzanne Scott, a professor of film and media studies at the University of Texas. A similar "chauvinist cut" of 2017's Star Wars: The Last Jedi removed key scenes of women making decisions, giving orders, having ideas and fighting in battle. So much was trimmed, Scott says, that only about 30% of the original film remained.

"It is borderline incomprehensible," she says. "It has cut out a lot of story that you need to make the whole narrative cohesive. So what's on the screen plays like an avant-garde film."

Ken Ham #fundie #dunning-kruger friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Creationists Are Mocking Flat Earthers for Not Understanding Science
By Hemant Mehta, June 3, 2019

Talk about a complete lack of self-awareness: Creationist Ken Ham says people who think the Earth is flat are being ridiculous because they aren’t basing their beliefs in science. And if they think the Bible supports them, it’s only because they wrongly choose which verses to quote as if that tells the whole story.

Someone should introduce him to a mirror.

His hilarious rant was prompted by a new documentary in which one group of scientifically illiterate fools tells another group of scientifically illiterate fools why they’re scientifically illiterate fools.

Now, before you contact us to tell us the earth is flat, first, please watch this documentary. We’ve thoroughly researched the supposed biblical and scientific pieces of evidence presented in favor of such a (wrong) view. It simply isn’t taught in Scripture, and the science doesn’t support it (although, sadly, many Christians are being convinced by cherry-picked data that only shows part of the whole story and out of context).

If you know someone in the flat earth movement, I encourage you to share this documentary with them. And if you’re part of it, I respectfully encourage you to humbly view this film and reconsider your position.

Ham also says people now ask him if he believes in a Flat Earth “all the time!” He doesn’t seem to realize it’s because when you promote fiction as science, you’re bound to draw in an audience that’s susceptible to bad arguments and distorted facts.