“My biggest issue with mixing would be this: genetically, if I were to have a child with an Asian woman, it would actually be less related to me than any random child from any random Polish, German, or French couple any the world.”
Then your biggest issue is stupid.
"It literally would be "less a part of me" than the children of some of my fifth cousins.”
This is incel thinking. If your wife cheats on you and you’re raising some other man’s kids, and it’s a problem? Please remove yourself from the gene pool.
I’ve been raising my kids for 35 years. They tell my jokes, they relfect my values, they recognize my music tastes, they know my sea stories, they yell at the same drivers i do.
IF we suddenly found that Portsmouth Naval Hospital switched babies, and i’m not actually blood-kin to my kids, they’re still my kids. Mistake, adopted, cheating spouse, or interracial married, they’re the kids i’ve taken to school, to track, to the hospital, to the woodshed, to college, to my work, to their dances…
What their DNA says is the least important goddamned trait they’ll ever show.
Remove your balls with explosives, please.