Various commenters #transphobia

r/honesttransgender discussion about "genital preferences" goes as expected


( ladyagatha )
Literally every time “genital preferences” come up, it’s the same flow.

Genital preferences are valid!!! ➡️ Except you should really interrogate WHY you have them, did society TELL you to have genital preferences?? Maybe you should rethink that. ➡️ Genital preferences are transphobic.

( FemmeLesbian )
I fully believe that reason the conversation around rape culture suddenly stopped is because TIPs realized that them telling people "to examine their preferences" is, in fact, rape culture.

( ladyagatha )
Light bulb moment. Yikes. Makes sense. Just another MRA movement.

( crodish )
I don't even understand what kind of conversation these people are trying to have. They say it's fine to have "genital preferences" and in the same sentence claim it's transphobic. It's basically only okay for THEM to have, but not the people they want to date. Double standards at its finest

How the hell can you even have a conversation about this "respectfully"? The moment someone says they're not okay with one type, everyone of that type takes offense at it. They keep saying shit like "nothing wrong if you don't want to date transwomen, but it's transphobic if you don't want to date a transwoman because she has a dick" no my dude it's never been about the genitals. I don't care if "she" has gotten "her" dick inverted and it's the best vaginoplasty the butcher circle has seen. "She" is male, and that's why I'm not attracted, full stop.

Even for bisexuals, they aren't a dumping ground for rejected transgender people. Everyone has the right to be attracted to whomever they feel like and also reject them FOR ANY REASON. Relationships are not an obligation nor a contract.

( ProxyMusic )

I don't even understand what kind of conversation these people are trying to have.

Phew. I thought it was just me. I could not follow the line(s) of "reasoning" in that convo at all.

( hmimperialtortie )
That’s it. They can say no to anyone (as if they’re ever going to be in that position) but nobody is allowed to say no to them, for any reason.



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