Anxieyote #psycho

(For context, this is an infamous pro-suicide website, so these are likely its beliefs)

Philosophical ideologies that can be percieved as suicide-adjacent (placing less importance on the value of life, and questioning whether some lives are worth living; or being created in the first place):

Antinatalism: A philosophy that assigns negative value to existence; suggesting it contains more suffering than pleasure, and is imposed upon the individual without their consent.

Nihilism: A philosophy that views all life as meaningless.

Promortalism: A philosophy that assigns a positive value to death, by suggesting that the lack of desires that comes with it is a viable solution to our earthly problems.

Libertarianism: The belief that the individual is the owner of their body and has the right to dispose of it however they see fit.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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