Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Impeach Merrick Garland and Defund the corrupt FBI!

End political persecution and hold those accountable that abuse their positions of power to persecute their political enemies, while ruining our country.

This shouldn’t happen in America.

Republicans must force it to stop!

@repmtg While you are defunding, don't forget the IRS, DOJ, and DHS. If you half a$$ do the job you are still going to have the same corruption!!!

@repmtg The U.S. Constitution does not empower the Federal Government to establish a national police force! The FBI must be abolished!


But add Defund The DOJ, they are as corrupt or more than the FBI!

@repmtg Freeing all political prisoners should be priority.

@repmtg DISMANTLE! More than simply defunding. People need to be investigated and prosecuted within the FBI

Abolish the damn FBI. Not defund. What is this another Obamacare repeal lie.

@repmtg Keep Up Fighting Against Socialist/Communist DemonRats puppet



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