Mack Major #fundie #mammon
God bless everyone who answered my call for help - some of you more than once. You've connected with my heart by sharing your financial resources with me in a time of need, understanding that I take this work for Christ seriously. And I will not disappoint your trust.
I pray that God sends people into your life who will help you connect with the God-given desire of your own heart.
But I'm still not out of the woods yet. I am yet in need for those who can give to please do so at this time. We serve a God of abundance. So I'm not looking for just enough to barely get me back on my feet.
I'm expecting a supernatural overflow of donations from those who've been blessed by this page and the content it provides! God rewards generously those who are generous: but life can be cold towards those with tight fists and closed hearts. *see James 2:13 + Proverbs 21:13
I have every right to ask for donations from those who I have served with spiritual food. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:11 - "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?"
I am standing in alignment with scripture by asking for your assistance. Are you in alignment with scripture by not responding?
I understand that not everyone can give much at this time. But everyone can give something. Just give what you can to help out, remembering that God has already promised in His word that He will reward those with GENEROUS hearts. *Proverbs 11:25
Again: a huge THANK YOU to all who've already given. And for those who desire to help out, please do so now by seeing the comment section below. Thanks and God bless.
[Later on...]
If I have to post this every single hour until I get what I need, then so be it. The Bible says you have not because you ask not - therefore I am asking the saints who frequent this page and who've eaten from its content often to lend me your full attention for the next few moments.
About a week or so ago my website was permanently deleted from the Internet. All of my files were lost or erased by the web hosting company: at least that's what they told me.
I need to put the site back up again ASAP. That's why I need your help. In the comment section of this post there will be a link. Please pray and ask God how much to give - use the link - and give what you can to help get Eden Decoded back up again right away. Time is really of the essence here.
I need to rebuild a new, better and safer website with better features and hosting than before. And I need money to do it.
I really want to get a new site up immediately. With your help I can and will. Thanks for your time and immediate attention to this urgent matter. And may Jesus Christ bless you in return for being a blessing to me right now.