The White race is the only race on the face of this planet who will sacrifice themselves in order to elevate another race. I can assure you, that black, hispanics and asians do not think this way. They support multiculturalism and diversity from a collective group perspective, based upon how it can benefit their specific race. White altruism will prove to be fatal to our race, especially against minorities who exploit this poison to their tribal advantage.
Can you image a group of mexicans or asians celebrating and cheering upon the announcement they are about to become a minority in their own country. Who in the hell cheers that? Hell would have to freeze over before that would ever happen. For God’s sakes, if you hate yourself that much, please do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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