Michael Costa #homophobia #transphobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com
[From a hit-piece on drag artist Momma Ashley Rose]
Ashley Rose's claim that they are the "Disney of drag" only adds wood to the fire, as Disney has become infamous for promoting age-inappropriate content in schools and children's media. Calling drag performances, with their sexual innuendos and revealing outfits, "family-friendly" normalizes exposing kids to entertainment with adult themes. It blurs the line between childhood innocence and adult sexuality. It can cause confusion and emotional harm. Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc seems intent on pushing an agenda about gender and sexuality, regardless of its impact on the children involved.
Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc holds "Teen Nights.” These social gatherings for minors aged 13+ are basically just indoctrination into the Ashley Rose worldview, where adult themes about gender and sexual expression take center stage. He never explains how kids benefit from adult entertainment nor offers more relatable role models for children. Instead, he just insists drag queens are good for kids without ever saying why. Momma Ashley Rose, “the Disney of drag,” has earned a spot on this year’s Gays Against Groomers RADAR Naughty List. No one had a problem with drag until they started involving children. Exposing kids to drag culture is NOT a form of "acceptance." It is an absolute disgrace.