Tenniel #racist #elitist stormfront.org
Re: World IQ Scores are decreasing dramatically
If race is not specifically included in the analysis, the conclusions of that analysis will be, to that degree, BS.
This is not to say that the White race is not becoming dumber. The reaction time tests are probably the most accurate indicator of this historical drop in intelligence in White nations. A 14 point IQ drop (one stanine) since Victorian days is a very significant loss of average intelligence. However, as usual, I believe race was not taken into account in this reaction time study, so the drop for the White race was probably, to take an educated guess, 5 to 10 points. Obviously the White race getting dumber -- for the obvious dysgenic reason that the most intelligent are having fewer kids than the least intelligent.
This decline in intelligence is true for all races, except perhaps the Oriental race -- because the Chinese government has implemented a eugenic policy reversing dysgenic tendencies. Negroes, by the way, are getting dumber faster than any other group. However, negroes are also the most successful race biologically in the world. Their population in Africa, despite HIV and Ebola, is increasing faster by far than any other racial group. This negro population success, combined with their stupidity and exacerbated by their rapidly declining intelligence, is an absolute disaster for the upward evolution of intelligent life on earth.
Notice the matter-of-fact tone of the article -- as though nothing can be done to reverse this trend and as though it doesn't really matter. Just more jewish bull**** propaganda.
There is, of course, a solution: White racial segregation at a White continental level combined with eugenics policies is the clear solution. In fact, the reason (the only reason) that eugenics is stigmatized as it is, is because it is the clear solution. The jews do not want clear solutions for the decline and extinction of the White Race. So, of course, too, the White solution cannot be achieved without first solving the jewish cause.