"I left disappointed and angry with the whole thing."
Like you did here. Eventually.
Entitled much, dearie? Not seeing any racism in "Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens"; FN-2187 - later Finn as a fighter in the Resistance - as a Stormtrooper for the First Order, post-Empire.
The Empire being as racist as it's possible to be: Xenophobic. They only recruited Humans into their ranks.
I refer you to the "2000 AD"* comic series "Nemesis the Warlock" by Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill. The main villain, Tomas De Torquemada is as ultra-xenophobic as they come. Yet in his Termight forces, he has what are known as the 'Dark Brethren'.
As long as they're human...!
The actor who plays Finn, John Boyega, is British. I'm just surprised you didn't walk out when you realised he's not an African-American; I refer you to that YouTube clip.
I also refer you to this:
"it was the Jews who killed Jesus"
(Thus the source of H4L's anti-Semitism in FSTDT)
@Fiona Muley
His4Life: "You're a racist fuck, Fiona Muley.
"No. I'm a proud black woman whose family, generations ago, rejected the slave mentality you so willingly embrace. People like you only drag us down. I hope you wise up, but I see little hope for someone as closed-minded and proud of their ignorance as you portray yourself to be every time you post here."
Notice how I didn't say the Afro-Caribbean actor John Boyega? I just said British. Unlike you, who - via that YT clip - is also innately racist. Anti-Semitic too.
Racism has no racial boundaries, neither.
At least that's one of the things eliminated from the future society Gene Roddenberry envisioned in his "Star Trek" scenario (PROTIP: Also, Sexism; it doesn't exist in the Romulan Star Empire; women can be Praetor, it's not uncommon to see women commanding Warbirds: Cdr. Donatra in the Valdore in "ST: Nemesis"). Nichelle Nichols. Avery Brooks. Tim Russ. LeVar Burton. Michael Dorn. In the case of the latter, Gene's scenario isn't only free of racism, but xenophobia; he plays the first Klingon in Starfleet, Lt. Worf.
Captain Nog, commanding the USS Defiant in the future: the first Ferengi in Starfleet. Racism isn't just nonexistent in that ultra-capitalist Ferengi society, it would go against the very basis of their philosophy, the Great Material Continuum: Profit.
But then, you tried to deny that convenience store's owner their profit, by just paying for a bottle of water, when you had the money in your hand, in that YT clip to be able to do so, Lil' Miss Entitled.
And now you've lost your daughter as a result.
And it's all YOUR fault, nobody else's. Merry Christmas. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
*- I refer you to Judge Giant in "2000 AD's other - and most famous - Sci-Fi comic series "Judge Dredd". Giant - the only other street Judge respected as much as Dredd - is black.