Personally, as a non-bigot born-again Christian I believe you should just keep your mouth shut when someone tells you they're gay. There's nothing you can do about it since it's just something that happens... so why bother complaining?
Besides, the Bible says you should be focusing on your own life instead of worrying about what other people are doing. God's word also says to love your neighbors and your enemies.
Also, I'm really not seeing how "lying with mankind" (I interpret this as being anal, and not including oral; also this verse applies to ancient Jews in the temple) is still sinful today, since all the sins in the Bible like lying and blasphemy and adultery and murder seem to have something in common: they hurt God or another person in some way. (Okay, I kinda get the "distorting God's creation" angle, but what about the tree-cutters and the litterers? Isn't that part of creation too?)
Also, the verse that supposedly says gays can't go to heaven. First of all, that used to be interpreted as "masturbators" (which I am guilty of). Second, all sins are equal, right? So stealing is just as bad as killing someone. Third, that verse is about unsaved people if you read verse 11. And don't even get me started on Sodom and Gomorrah.
The point is, even if gay anal does turn out to be a sin (I'm not quite certain, but that doesn't mean I have to be all righteous and hurt people's feelings just in case it is), Romans says we are all sinners and are all guilty of something. So why should I be telling people they're sinning if I'm a sinner too? And why should I deny people rights? It's just wrong. Just be nice, give them their cake, give them their license, let them get married, and do it with a smile on your face. It's a free country, so you have to, anyway. Not everyone is straight. I'm reminded of the story of the pride parade in Atlanta, where a pastor showed love and tolerance by serving water and coffee to paradegoers. Since we don't have more pastors like these, church attendance is slowly dropping.
We need to fix that. We should witness to people without being annoying and without offending them. We need to tell them that Jesus died for us on the cross, without condemning them or being hateful in the process. Most importantly, we need to stand out from everyone else, spreading around good old Christian love. Not hate, love. Condemning and correcting other people is not our business. Jesus, who I personally think was a very cool guy, said great words of wisdom during His time on earth like "if thy eye offend thee, pluck it out", and "judge not". He also said something about removing the plank from our eyes, but I can't quote that word for word right now.
Like I said before, we're all guilty of sin. But hate will never bring a person to salvation. Besides, I can always ask Jesus what Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27, and 1 Corintians 6:9-10 meant when I die. Until then, we need to try to be the opposite of this child-molesting hatemonger.
Oh by the way, do any of you guys like the show Home Movies? I LOVE Home Movies.