Atheists, isn't the sheer number of people saying angels told them things proof of the bible?
No, it isn't. People lie for attention, and money. We need testable, repeatable, and observable evidence, not stories about someone's niece who knew someone who claimed that they heard an angel.
Did not Paul say EVEN if an angel from heaven tells you something he didn't say, don't believe it?
So with the sheer number of people the last 1900 years saying theyve seen angels tell them things that don't match up with Paul, isn't that proof of the prophectic abilities of Paul as given to him by the Lord?
No. The 'prophecy' in question is in no way specific enough. Anyone in power in a religion can claim absolute authority, and say that everyone else is wrong, even if their own god tells people differently. A brief glance at religious history will bear me out on this.
I'll be more impressed if the next catastrophy is predicted from prophecy in great detail (as in exact date, and time), and long before it acturally happened. It also has to be about an event that is impossible to predict through other means. That would be something worth investigating.