David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

As a nation we have allowed homosexuality to flourish to the point where Christians are now being arrested for speaking out against homosexuality. Unfortunately, there are not enough Christians obeying the Scriptures by speaking out against homosexuality (Psalm 94:16). Thus, homosexuals WILL get their rights and sin-fighting Christians WILL be persecuted. Halliburton is presently building concentration camps in the U.S.! You can be guaranteed it will be the protesters, patriots, Constitutionalists and Christians who are put into them!!! We will all be wrongly convicted as “domestic terrorists.” Are you aware of the recently created term “Christian Terrorism”? According to Wikipedia.com:

"Christian terrorism is terrorism that the perpetrator claims is performed in furtherance of Christian goals or teachings..." -SOURCE (Wikipedia)

But isn't it interesting in light of all the Alabama churches burned to the ground in 2006, that no mention was ever made of “terrorists” setting the fires? So if you block an abortion clinic, you're a terrorist; but if you burn a church to the ground, then you're just an arsonist. The Ku Klux Klan has become synonymous with hatred for homosexuals. The Klan is purposely and falsely labeled as “Christian” to associate Bible-believing Christians with the group. The truth is that the KKK is a Satanic organization founded by Albert Pike, Leader of the Freemason Luciferian-worshipping lodge. You can expect that government authorities in the near future will be labeling ALL TRUE Christians as terrorist criminals.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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