Various Commenters #transphobia

TIFs declaring they're nothing like "cis men"

Has anyone noticed, that on Tiktok predominantly, TiFs work so hard to differentiate themselves from “cis” men? They do the complete opposite to TiMs who argue there is no difference AT ALL from them and women. But I saw one video where a TiF was acting out a scene where they were imitating an aggressive man chatting up women and all the comments from other TiFs were like “Ugh hate cis men” and “trans men are just elite, we understand women”. Saw another video where one TiF out right said they struggled relating to men, and all the comments from others were agreeing and asking what do they even talk about, and some even saying they were scared to talk to men.

To me it is just so telling, deep down they know they’re not men. They don’t act, talk, or think like men. This is why I’m convinced they are stuck in a bubble of only hanging out with other TiFs (which they consider bro time!) and talking non-stop about their transition. The fact they’re trans IS their identity, because the moment they don’t mention it is when they realise they are alone and don’t fit in with men AT ALL even if they “pass”.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Suspect a big part of it is they're scared if they go too hard I'M A REAL BOY, RARGH!!! they'll get kicked out of all those women's spaces they want to keep using because men are dangerous.

( Calliope )
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a huge part of it. They know they're not actually men, and they know the dangers men present to women.

( mrsmeyers )
And yet they advocate for throwing their fellow women to the wolves. I've run out of empathy for TIFs, tbh.

( iCONIC )
TIFs stab their fellow women in the back by implying that womanhood is a clothing one can take off. They are misogynists. I have no sympathy for my past TIF self or any TIF

( hmimperialtortie )
Well of course you aren’t like men, you’re women. Yes, you’re misogynists, but that’s all.



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