DA Desmond #racist amren.com
I’m sure much of that comes from his time serving in the South African Army during its long running border war. My father said that once black rule was established he knew there was no going back. He went on to explain that due to black tribal and chieftain culture, there would be widespread corruption from “our” elected officials. My father stated that eventually South Africa would eventually become like every other African nation. Soon after that talk, back in South Africa, infrastructure fell into disrepair and economic recession set in. Social trust in institutions such as police and hospital services disappeared. The nation’s wealth was pillaged as dirty politicians and bureaucrats embezzled each sector of the government.
My impression of Canada as a white South African was mixed. On the other hand, there was anti-white propaganda woven into almost every lesson plan in school. We learned the evils of colonialism and how Europeans disturbed the peaceful Indians that had apparently been living in perfect harmony with nature. Some of the teachers were openly hostile to me, aware of where I came from, and what my leaving said about me and my family. I had a teacher of mine approach me in private one time. He leaned in and said quietly to me that all of us South Africans and the Rhodesians deserved what happened to us. Most of the school’s staff at that time were aging hippies; either not racially aware or eagerly preaching multiculturalism.
As a white African in North America, I can tell you that cities like Baltimore and Detroit have more in common with Nairobi or Lagos rather than Salt Lake City or Burlington. Whatever the continent, blacks and whites cannot meaningfully and peacefully coexist within the same country. Our morals, our values, and the texture of our lifestyles are simply incompatible. One or the other race will come to lord over the other, and sooner rather than later.