whereismysafespace #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Raping trannies?

Recent events on that sub (mostly a tranny seeking attention) got me thinking. Is it right to refuse rape to someone who would transition from male to female? After all if their desire is to experience life as a woman, people of this sub agree that getting raped should be a big part of that experience. I'm not saying we should go out of our way and rape the ones that don't pass. But if a tranny really looked like a woman, wouldn't it be some kind of discrimination not to rape it because of its transgender status? I can live with being a rapist, but I hate feeling like I'm discriminating against anyone without a good reason. Of course I'd like to hear your opinions about other issues on that subject I might have missed. For instance that a tranny still might have a bit of male strength, and since it was born male, its brain might still work better than that of a normal female (not as good as a male's because of the female hormones though), making it harder to surprise and track than a classic rape victim. Granted strength and intelligence might correlate with manliness, which means the ugliest most masculine trannies will be the ones most dangerous (diminishing the interest of interacting with them rape-wise even more).



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